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Institute of Entomology
 Biology Centre, ASCR, v.v.i. 
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Scientific papers published by the Institute staff since 2007. (350 found)

Nguyen P., Sahara K., Yoshido A., Marec F. (2010) Evolutionary dynamics of rDNA clusters on chromosomes of moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera). Genetica 138, 343–354. Epub 2009. .
Cressman R., Krivan V. (2010) The Ideal Free Distribution as an Evolutionarily Stable State in Density-Dependent Population Games. Oikos, in press. 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.17845.x
Tropek R., Konvicka M. (2010) Forest Eternal? Endemic butterflies of the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon, avoid close-canopy forest. African Journal of Ecology in press.
Fric Z., Hula V., Klimova M., Zimmermann K., Konvicka M. (2010) Dispersal of four fritillary butterflies within identical landscape. Ecological Research in press.
Vreysen M.J.B., Carpenter J.E., Marec F. (2010) Improvement of the sterile insect technique for codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) to facilitate expansion of field application. J. Appl. Entomol. 134, Epub 2009. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2009.01430.x.
Goldsmith M.R., Marec F., eds. (2010) Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA. Pp. 362.
Marec F., Sahara K., Traut W. (2010) Rise and fall of the W chromosome in Lepidoptera. In: Goldsmith M.R., Marec F. (eds.) Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 49-63.
Berec L. (2010) Impacts of foraging facilitation among predators on predator-prey dynamics Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 72, 94-121.
Kadlec T., Vrba P., Kepka P., Schmitt T., Konvicka M. (2010) Tracking the decline of once-common butterfly: delayed oviposition, demography and population genetics in the Hermit, Chazara briseis. Animal Conservation in press.
Vlasanek P., Hauck D., Konvicka M. (2010) Adult sex ratio in the Parnassius mnemosyne butterfly: effects of survival, migration and weather Israeli J. Ecol. Evol. in press.
Kodrík D., Alquicer G., Socha R. (2010) Methoprene modifies adipokinetic hormone characteristics in the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). Eur. J. Entomol. 107, 33-39.
Kodrík D., Bártú I., Socha R. (2010) Adipokinetic hormone (Pyrap-AKH) enhances the effect of a pyrethroid insecticide against the firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus. Pest Manag. Sci. (in press - DOI 10.1002/ps.1894
Klimes P., Saska P. (2010) Larval and adult seed consumption affected by the degree of food specialization in Amara (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Journal of Applied Entomology (In press) DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2009.01463.x  (pdf)
Kostál V. (2010) Cell structural modifications in insects at low temperatures Low Temperature Biology of Insects. Cambridge University press, Cambridge. 116-140.
Tropek R., Kadlec T., Karesova P., Spitzer L., Kocarek P., Malenovsky I., Banar P., Tuf I.H., Hejda M., Konvicka M. (2010) Spontaneous succession in limestone quarries as an effective restoration tool for endangered arthropods and plants. Journal of Applied Ecology 47, 139-147.
Zralá J., Kodrík D., Zahradnícková H., Zemek R., Socha R. (2010) A novel function of red pigment-concentrating hormone in crustaceans: Porcelio scaber (Isopoda) as a model species. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. (in press - DOI 10.1016/j.ygcen.2009.11.010)
Kodrík D., Marco H.G., Simek P., Socha R., Stys P., Gäde G (2010) The adipokinetic hormones of Heteroptera: A comparative study. Physiol. Entomol. (in press - DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3032.2009.00717.x)
Orosová M., Marec F., Oros M., Xi B.W., Scholz T. (2010) A chromosome study and localization of 18S rDNA in Khawia saurogobii (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea). Parasitol. Res. 106, 587-593. Epub 2009.
Sekyrova P, Bohmann D, Jindra M, Uhlirova M. (2010) Interaction between Drosophila bZIP proteins Atf3 and Jun prevents replacement of epithelial cells during metamorphosis. Development 137, 141-150. (pdf)
Tomcala A., Bártú I, Simek P., Kodrík D. (2010) Locust adipokinetic hormones mobilize diacylglycerols selectively. Comp. Biochem. Phys. B (in press - DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpb.2010.01.015)

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