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Napsali o nás - Brněnský denník
Submitted by zobac on 22. April 2010 - 6:53V Brně vyrostou nové laboratoře. Za 432 milionů korun. Pomocí elektronů se dají svařovat materiály, které mají rozdílné teploty tavení. Takto budou svařovat brněnští vědci v laboratořích Alisi. Ty vyrostou v areálu Ústavu přístrojové techniky Akademie věd do roku 2012. Akademie věd chce zrekonstruovat stávající laboratoře v Brně – Králově Poli a postavit tam novou budovu. „V budově bude osm podzemních laboratoří a práci tam najde asi šedesát vědců,“ uvedl projektový manažer Bohdan Růžička.
Napsali o nás - Stavební klub
Submitted by zobac on 22. April 2010 - 6:47„Výzkum bude zasahovat do oblasti diagnostiky a technologií, které využívají metod magnetické rezonance, laserové interferometrie a spektroskopie, elektronové mikroskopie a litografie či svařování elektronovým a laserovým paprskem,“ uvedl ředitel laboratoří ALISI Pavel Zemánek. Unikátní metodou brněnského ústavu je podle něj například metoda svařování „nesvařitelných“ kovů s jinou teplotou tání, například hliníku a titanu nebo niklu a stříbra.
Participation at 51st International engineering fair MSV 2009 Brno
Submitted by lzobac on 15. April 2010 - 11:58The Institute of scientific instruments AS CR, took in the days 14th to 18th September 2009 active part at the 51st International engineering fair in Brno, see ISI pages.
In this activities our team presented, in full operation, our electron beam welder MEBW-60/2-E. We have also exposed samples of electron beam welded parts and examples of nano-layers and X-ray optics. Members of our team answered questions of visitors concerning electron beam welding. The capabilities of our MEBW-60/2-E welder have been demonstrated by „engraving“ digital photos or drawings on metal surface by means of electron beam,
The visitors could also have found other informations in a prospect technologies and desk-top electron beam welder.
Electron beam in technologies
Submitted by lzobac on 11. April 2010 - 16:28In the past, as well as today, people looked for ways how to make use of that what the nature offered. The knowledge how to gain, process and use metals, up today belongs to the most important skills. Names of the first known metals, bronze and iron, had given names to the two important historic epochs. The processing of metals can not be done without heating. To the classical methods, fire, gas flame, electric current and electric arc, the new science added two other methods, the laser and electron beams. The technological applications of the latest we shall pursued in the following paper.
What is Electron Beam Welding?
Submitted by lzobac on 10. April 2010 - 10:28The following paper displays a summary of illustrative presentation of electron beam welding. This presentation is a part of Days of Science, taking place regularly in ISI Brno, usually at the beginning of November. The visitors may see in operation an electron beam welding equipment in the laboratory of electron beam welding. The principle and use of the electron beam welder are explained in popular form. The process of welding is practically demonstrated.
Electron Beam Welder MEBW-60/2 at ViennaTek 2008 Fair
Submitted by lzobac on 16. March 2010 - 18:59German company Focus GmbH presented on ViennaTec 2008 fair an electron/beam welder MEBW-60/2. Photos taken at this opportunity can be seen in the gallery.
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