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Participation at 51st International engineering fair MSV 2009 Brno
The Institute of scientific instruments AS CR, took in the days 14th to 18th September 2009 active part at the 51st International engineering fair in Brno, see ISI pages.
In this activities our team presented, in full operation, our electron beam welder MEBW-60/2-E. We have also exposed samples of electron beam welded parts and examples of nano-layers and X-ray optics. Members of our team answered questions of visitors concerning electron beam welding. The capabilities of our MEBW-60/2-E welder have been demonstrated by „engraving“ digital photos or drawings on metal surface by means of electron beam,
The visitors could also have found other informations in a prospect technologies and desk-top electron beam welder.
Please see photos from this occasion here.