mapka s pozicí Technologického centra úvodní stránka
National Information Centre for European Research
Technology Transfer
Strategic Studies
Czech Liaison Office for Research and Development in Brussels

For arranged information on the work of Technology Centre visit the page Projects


Article “Full costing in Czech universities” (28.04.2010)

Technology Centre ASCR is a member of European association EARMA (European Association of Research Managers and Administrators). EARMA publishes regularly a paper called EARMA Link. The leading article in the current issues is called... more

New web page of Czech Technological Foundation (04.03.2010)

Recently founded Czech Technological Foundation focused on the support of Czech applied research and technological development launched webpage

New issue: Practice on Roadmapping. (11.02.2010)

Technology Centre ASCR, together with United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) issued a publication Practice on Roadmapping. This publication introduces process of roadmapping and creation of roadmaps as a foresight tool. The... more

Technology Centre is the National Information Centre for European Research, it works on analytic and perspective studies in RTD and innovation and it is involved in transnational technology transfer. For more detailed information on Technology Centre please visit the page About us or go through our Information Brochure.


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