Who we are

The Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of Academy of Sciences pursues in particular basic research in chemistry and physics of polymers. The target-oriented and applied research show an increasing importance, the cooperation with polymer industry is vital.

The research comprises the three main areas:

  • Biomacromolecular systems
  • Dynamics and self-assembling of molecular and supramolecular polymer structures
  • Preparation, characterization and use of new polymer systems with controlled structure and properties


An important part of the Institute activity is the Ph.D. program in polymer science carried out in cooperation with universities.

Welcomed are also researchers for a postdoctoral program.

Teaching and practical laboratory training of undergraduate students are considered as an integral part of the IMC activities. 



Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
Heyrovského nám. 2
CZ-162 06 Praha 6
Czech Republic
phone:+420 296 809 111
fax:+420 296 809 410

Budova UMCH