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Kotek J, Kelnar I, Brus J, Urbanova M
Polyamide/layered silicate nanocomposites: A correlation between fracture toughness and molecular mobility
E-POLYMERS (2009) Article Number: 138
Kelnar I , Rotrekl J , Kotek J, Kapralkova L, Hromadkova J
Effect of montmorillonite on structure and properties of nanocomposite with PA6/PS/elastomer matrix
EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL 45 (2009) 2760-2766
Kotek J, Kelnar I, Baldrian J, Slouf M
Deformation and Fracture Behavior of Polyamide Nanocomposites: The Effect of Clay Dispersion
JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE Volume: 110 Issue: 6 Pages: 3752-3757 Published: 2008
Meissner, B; Matejka, L
Biaxial stress-strain behavior of chemical and physical gels of poly(vinyl alcohol)
Polymer 49, 2560-2567 (2008 )
Špírková M., Brus J., Brožová L., Strachota A., Baldrian J., Urbanová M., Kotek J., Strachotová B., Šlouf M.
A view from inside onto the surface of self-assembled nanocomposite coatings
Progress in Organic Coatings 61,145-155 (2008)
Brus J., Urbanova M., Strachota A.
Epoxy networks reinforced with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes: Structure and segmental dynamics as studied by solid-state NMR
Macromolecules 41, 372-386 (2008)
Kelnar I., Rotrekl J., Kotek J., Kapralkova L.
Effect of montmorillonite modification on the behaviour of polyamide/polystyrene blends
Polymer International 57, 1281-1286 (2008)
Strachotová B., Strachota A., Uchman M., Šlouf M., Brus J., Pleštil J., Matejka L
Super porous organic-inorganic PNIPA-based hydrogel with very fast temperature
Polymer 48, 1471-1482 (2007)
Strachota A., Whelan P., Kříž J., Brus J., Urbanová M., Šlouf M., Matějka L.
Formation of nanostructured epoxy networks containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) blocks
Polymer 48(11), 3041-3058 (2007)
Kelnar I., Khunova V., Kotek J. , Kapralkova L.
Effect of clay treatment on structure and mechanical behavior of elastomer-containing polyamide 6 nanocomposite
Polymer 48, 5332-5339 (2007)
Špírková M., Brus J., Baldrian J., Šlouf M., Kotek J.
Preparation and characterization of hybrid organic-inorganic coatings and films
Surf. Coat. Int. B: Coat. Trans. 88, B4, 237-242 (2005)
Meissner B., Matejka L.
Kinetic limitation in the formation of end-linked elastomer networks
Polymer 46, 10618-10625 (2005)
Kotek J., Kelnar I., Studenovský M., Baldrian J.
Chlorosulfonated polypropylene: preparation and its application as a coupling agent in polypropylene-clay nanocomposites
Polymer 46, 4876-4881 (2005)
Strachota A., Kroutilová I., Kovářová J., Matejka L.
Epoxy networks reinforced with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS). Thermomechanical properties.
Macromolecules 37, 9457-9464 (2004)
Matejka L., Strachota A., Pleštil J., Whelan P., Steinhart M., Šlouf M.
Epoxy networks reinforced with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS). Structure and morphology
Macromolecules 37, 9449-9456 (2004)
Brus J., Špírková M., Hlavatá D., Strachota A.
Self-organization, structure, dynamic properties and surface morphology of silica/epoxy films as seen by solid-state NMR
Macromolecules 37, 1346 - 1357 (2004)
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