Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Cukrovarnická 10, 162 53 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 220 318 407
Fax: +420 233 343 184

Born March 24, 1944, in Prague, graduated theoretical physics (M.Sc.) at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague; RNDr. (Rer. Nat. Dr.) degree at Charles University, Prague 1972; CSc. (Ph.D.) degree at Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 1973; head of the department 1984 - present. Visiting Scientist, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich 1990-1992; Research collaborations with Martin Luther University Halle, Institute of Physics Polish Acad. Sci. Warszaw, University M. Curie Paris and University Wien after 1990. Vice director of the Institute of Physics since 2002.

Research interests:
Density functional theory, pseudopotential theory, ab initio calculations of the electronic, structural and physical properties of solids, X-ray spectroscopy of solids;

Memberships and honours:
Individual Ordinary Member of the European Physical Society 1985; member of the Scientific Board of Institute of Physics since 1990; member of the Advisory Board for PhD study of Charles University, Prague since 1991; member of the Academy Assembly of the Academy of Sciences 1997; member of the Scientific Board of the Academy of Sciences 2001; Fellow of the Institute of Physics (U.K.) 2002. Who's Who in the World 1997; Who's Who in Science and Technology 2000;

Over 90 publications in referred journals;