Department of Biomedicinal Polymers - Selected papers

Research Staff Selected papers Cooperation PhD. and Postdoctoral Opportunities Equipment of our Department


 [1].    A.Braunová, M.Pechar, R.Laga, K.Ulbrich, Hydrolytically and reductively degradable poly(ethylene glycol)s, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 208, 2642-2653 (2007).

 [2].  T.Etrych, T.Mrkvan, B.Říhová, K.Ulbrich, Star-shaped immunoglobulin-containing HPMA-based conjugates with doxorubicin for cancer therapy, J. Control. Release 122, 31-38 (2007).

 [3].     K.D.Fisher, N.K.Green, A.Hale, V.Šubr, K.Ulbrich, L.W.Seymour, Passive tumour targeting of polymer-coated adenovirus for cancer gene therapy, J. Drug Target. 15, 546-551 (2007).

 [4].     L.Kovář, J.Strohalm, P.Chytil, T.Mrkvan, M.Kovář, O.Hovorka, K.Ulbrich, B.Říhová, The same Drug but a different mechanism of action: Comparison of free doxorubicin with two different N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymer-bound doxorubicin conjugates in EL-4 cancer cell line, Bioconjugate Chem. 18, 894-902 (2007).

 [5].    R.C.Carlisle, R.Benjamin, S.S.Briggs, S.Summer-Jones, D.Gill, S.Hyde, A.Nathwani, K.D.Fisher, V.Šubr, K.Ulbrich, L.W.Seymour, Coating of adeno-associated virus with reactive polymers can ablate virus tropism, enable retargeting and provide resistance to neutralising antisera, J. Gene Med. 10, 400-411 (2008).

 [6].   P.Chytil, T.Etrych, Č.Koňák, M.Šírová, T.Mrkvan, J.Bouček, B.Říhová, K.Ulbrich, New HPMA copolymer-based drug carriers with covalently bound hydrophobic substituents for solid tumour targeting, J. Control. Release 127, 121-130 (2008).

 [7].    T.Etrych, P.Chytil, T.Mrkvan, M.Šírová, B.Říhová, K.Ulbrich, Conjugates of doxorubicin with graft HPMA copolymers for passive tumor targeting, J. Control. Release 132, 184-192 (2008).

 [8].    N.K.Green, G.J.Morrison, S.Hale, S.S.Briggs, M.Stevenson, V.Šubr, K.Ulbrich, L.Chandler, V.Mautner, L.W.Seymour, K.D.Fisher, Retargeting polymer-coated adenovirus to the FGF receptor allows productive infection and mediates efficacy in a peritoneal model of human ovarian cancer, J. Gene Med. 10, 280-289 (2008).

 [9].    T.Lammers, V.Šubr, P.Peschke, R.Kühnlein, W.Hennink, K.Ulbrich, M.Heilman, F.Kiessling, J.Debus, P.Huber, G.Storm, Image-guided and tumor-targeted nanomedicines for radiochemotharapy, Br. J. Cancer 99, 900-910 (2008).

[10].    B.Říhová, J.Strohalm, O.Hovorka, V.Šubr, T.Etrych, P.Chytil, R.Pola, D.Plocová, J.Bouček, K.Ulbrich, Doxorubicin release is not a prerequisite for the in vitro cytotoxicity of HPMA-based pharmaceuticals: in vitro effect of extra drug-free GlyPheLeuGly sequences, J. Control. Release 127, 110-120 (2008).

[11].    M.Pechar, K.Ulbrich, Polymerní terapeutika u nás a ve světě, Chem. Listy 103, 3-10 (2009).

[12].   M.Hrubý, J.Kučka, H.Macková, Č.Koňák, M.Vetrík, J.Kozempel, O.Lebeda, New binary thermoresponsive polymeric system for local chemoradiotherapy, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 111, 2220-2228 (2009).

[13].    V.Šubr, L.Kostka, T.Selby-Milic, K.Ulbrich, L.W.Seymour, R.C.Carlisle, Coating of Adenovirus type 5 with polymers containing quaternary amines prevents binding to blood components, J. Control. Release 135, 152-158 (2009).

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