Martin Hrubý, PhD
TopicDrug delivery systems for nuclear medicine
AnnotationNumerous contemporary drugs, especially anticancer agents, possess significant side effects. One of the ways to suppress such unwanted biological activity is the use of polymeric carriers. The drug is bound to the polymer carrier, delivered to the tissue of interest and then released in a controlled manner. The use of macromolecular carriers is very challenging especially for the diagnosis and therapy of solid tumours, because the high molecular weight of the system itself is a targeting principle. Should radionuclides be used as active payload, such systems may serve also for radiodiagnostics and real-time therapy monitoring. The Ph.D. thesis will include the development and study of properties of hydrolytically degradable soluble and micellar polymer carrier systems for the targeted delivery of radiodiagnostics and radiotherapeuticals into tumour tissue.

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
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Czech Republic
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