Jan Dohnálek
Consultant Tereza Skálová
TopicStructure and function of biological macromolecules with applications in biotechnologies and biomedicine.
AnnotationProcesses of life are on molecular level carried out by proteins, DNA, RNA or their complexes. The specific functions of these biological molecules are closely related to their structural characteristics. With use of x-ray diffracion methods it is possible to determine accurately the three-dimensional structure of many of biological molecules and in this way explain their function from the point of view of their three-dimensional arrangement. These approaches will be applied in studies of new enzymes for biotechnological applications (laccases, oxidases, proteases and other) or of proteins important in mammalian immune system, in fight against cancer, or significant for immune system equilibirum of humans.

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v.v.i.
Heyrovského nám. 2
CZ-162 06 Praha 6
Czech Republic
phone:+420 296 809 111
fax:+420 296 809 410

Budova UMCH