
Informace o svařování elektronovým svazkem.

What is Electron Beam Welding?

Electron beam welder

The following paper displays a summary of illustrative presentation of electron beam welding. This presentation is a part of Days of Science, taking place regularly in ISI Brno, usually at the beginning of November. The visitors may see in operation an electron beam welding equipment in the laboratory of electron beam welding. The principle and use of the electron beam welder are explained in popular form. The process of welding is practically demonstrated.

Electron Beam Welder MEBW-60/2 at ViennaTek 2008 Fair

ViennaTek 2008

German company Focus GmbH presented on ViennaTec 2008 fair an electron/beam welder MEBW-60/2. Photos taken at this opportunity can be seen in the gallery.

Opened-doors days

Popularisation of science is unavoidable part of scientific institutes's activities. Institutes of Czech academy of sciences are organizing every year the so called OPENED-DOOR DAYS. Their visitors can see some interesting physical experiments and ask related questions. Such actions usually take place at the begin of November on Thursday and Friday. The real date can be found at the web page.

Electron Beam Welding

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Svařování elektronovým svazkem je jedním z tavných způsobů svařování, který využívá pro ohřev spojovaných materiálů fokusovaný svazek elektronů s vysokou energií. Při dopadu se kinetická energie elektronů přemění v teplo, které je využito k ohřevu svařovaných součástí. Svařování probíhá zpravidla bez přídavného materiálu. Díky tzv. hloubkovému efektu lze, v závislosti na parametrech svářečky, svařovat značné tloušťky materiálu na jeden průchod – přes 10 cm v nerez oceli.

Electron beam welder machines in ISI: past&present

Multifunctional vacuum furnace

The Institute of Scientific Instruments (ISI) was founded in 1957. From the very beginning, analytical electron-beam devices, particularly electron microscopes, were designed and produced here. Later technological applications of the e-beam have been developed too.

First technological instrument was a multifunctional vacuum furnace made at group leaded by Dipl. Eng. Ladislav Zobač in 1965, see Fig., with a round working chamber evacuated by a rotary and a diffusion pump (designed also in ISI). The furnace had three different heat-sources: an infra-red heating (molybdenum direct-heated basket), a HF induction heating and a low power e-beam gun (50 kV/5 mA). Possible applications were vacuum soldering/brazing, vacuum remelting and e-beam welding.

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