Knihovědné oddelění - dokumenty
- Production of domestic printing houses in the 16th and 17th centuries in foreign languages
- Bibliography of Bohemian Prints in Foreign Languages from the Period of 1501-1800
- Publishing activity of the current members of the Department of Historical Bibliography
- Bibliography of Works of John Amos Comenius Printed Before 1800
- Database of Expert Literature on Historical Bibliography
- Historical Book Collection of the Academy of Sciences Library
- Printer´s and publisher´s devices from the 16th and the 17th centuries in the prints from the ASL holdings
- Digitalization of signed illustrations in prints from the years of 1501-1750 held in the ASL collection
- The Martinická Bible
- Publications of the ASL Department of Historical Bibliography
About the Library
- Secretariat
- Department of Historical Bibliography
- Consultants to the Deputy Director for Research and Development
- Supervisory Board of the Academy of Sciences Library
- Board of the Academy of Sciences Library
- Director
- Information Technology Department
- Acquisitions Department
- Economics Department
- Electronic Information Sources Department
- Study Administration Department
- Library Systems Administration Department
- Library Systems Administration Department
- Acquisitions Department
- Department for the Processing of Books and Electronic Media
On-line databases
- ProQuest Central
- OCLC FirstSearch
- SpringerLink (Springer + Kluwer)
- ScienceDirect (Elsevier)
- Wiley - InterScience
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Geobibline - Geografic Bibliography of the Czech Republic
- Oxford Reference Online (ORO)
- BioMed Central
- Anopress TAMTAM
- Ulrichsweb
- Research Index
- Web of Knowledge
- Scopus
- Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB)
- STM Portal
- Info Sources
- Google Scholar ScholarSFX
- BioOne 1 a BioOne 2
- Nature - Archive 1997-2007
- Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
- CoToJe
- Manuscriptorium
- arXiv
- Nature, Science
- Nature, Science
For AS CR Institute
- Department of research and references services
- Inter-library services and providing of documents
- Computer Study Room
- Digitizing Centre of the Library of the ASCR
- Loan Services Department
- Reprographic and library services
Published by AS CR
- Ročník 9/10, 2002-2003
- Information
- Ročník 3, 1996, č. 2
- Ročník 3, 1996, č. 1
- Ročník 2, 1995, č. 2
- Ročník 1, 1994, č. 1
- Ročník 4, 1997, č. 2
- Ročník 5, 1998, č. 1-2
- Ročník 6, 1999, č. 1-2
- Ročník 7/8, 2000/2001
- Ročník 2, 1995, č. 1
- Ročník 4, 1997, č. 1
- Journals published by the ASCR