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personaliaKuna M.

PhDr. Martin Kuna, CSc.

e-mail: kunaarup.cas.cz

deputy director of the ARÚ AV ČR

He specializes in archaeological theory, settlement and landscape archaeology, field survey, sites and monument records, GIS, Bronze Age. Before: SM Roztoky (1979); ArÚ Praha (1980-1985); OM Brandýs n.L. (1986-1990).


The Cultural Triangle Project, Anuradhapura, Srí Lanka (1984), consulting. Investigation and reconstruction of the buddhistic monasteries in the island's inland. The Czech part (J. Bouzek, J. Břeň, P. Charvát) took part for several years on the investigations and the material evaluation (see Kuna, M., Památky archeologické 78, 1987, 5-66).

Archaeological database of Bohemia (since 1991), project headmaster.

Ancient Landscape Reconstruction in Bohemia (1991-1995), co-director of the project.

Digital archive of the Czech archaeology, GA AS CZ project.

Selected publications from recent years:

2005: (together with Profantová N. et al.), Počátky raného středověku v Čechách. Archeologický výzkum sídelní aglomerace kultury pražského typu v Roztokách, Praha (ARÚ AV ČR).

2004: (M. Kuna et all.): Nedestruktivní archeologie, Praha (Academia).

2002: The Archaeological Record of Bohemia. An Attempt at an Analytical Information System, in: L.García Sanjuán & D. Wheatley, Mapping the Future of the Past. Managing the Spatial Dimension of the European Archaeological Resource, Sevilla, 45-52.

2001: Intruze jako doklad „nenalezených“ fází osídlení, in: Neustupný, E. (ed.), Archeologie nenalézaného, Praha – Plzeň (ARÚ, KAR ZČU), 119-132.

2001: Povrchový sběr a intenzita využití krajiny v pravěku – Surface artefact survey and the landuse intensity in prehistory, in: J.K. Kozłowski & E. Neustupný, Archeologia przestrzeni. Metody i wyniki badań struktur osadniczych w dorzeczach górnej Łaby i Wisły, Kraków, 27-54.

2000 ((together with Bintliff, J. and Venclová, M. eds): The Future of Surface Artefact Survey in Europe, Sheffield (Sheffield University Press).

The Institute of Archaeology Prague
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