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Welcome to the Special technologies team site
The Special Technologies team is part of the Electron Optics department of the Institute of the Scientific Instruments AS CR, v.v.i. in Brno. The team deals mainly with research and development of technologies and devices which are essential for electron optics, vacuum and ultra-vacuum devices.
The most important technologies are welding and machining by the electron beam, vacuum soldering, development and production of the vacuum feed-througs.
The new web site was launched!
Submitted by admin on 23. January 2010 - 0:08
We started the new web site http://ebt.isibrno.cz for our working group at 21 January 2010. Its main purpose is to create platform to introduce our work to experts, but also to outline it to public.
And what is out job? We are team working in Special Technologies Laboratory in Electron optics department in the Institute of Scientific Instruments.
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