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Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications: The One-Dimensional Heat Equation. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1984, ISBN 0-521-30243-9.
Topics in Current Physics: Magnetic Electron Lenses. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1982, ISBN 3-540-10296-5.
Zkoumání látek elektronovým paprskem. Praha: SNTL, 1982.
Deflection aberrations of multi-stage deflection systems. Optik, , vol. 58, 1981, p. 25–35.
Televizní technika. Praha: SNTL, 1979.
The Physics of the Charged Particle Beams. Oxford: Oxford Press???, 1977.
Correction of eddy current errors in electron beam deflection. Journal of Applied Physics, , 44, 1973, p. 3766–3769.
Werkstoffabtrag durch Elektronen–und Photonenstrahlen. Bern: Technishe Runhschau, 1972.
Electron-beam Welding: Principles and Practice. London: McGRAW-HILL, 1971, ISBN 07-094218-8.
Víceúčelová vakuová pec s indukčním, elektronovým a odporovým ohřevem. Slaboproudý obzor, , roč. 28, 1965, p. 146–152.
Insulation of high voltage across solid insulators in vacuum. Unknown, , 1965.
Vakuová technika. Praha: SNTL, 1954.