

MCVD (Modified Chemical Vapor Deposition)

MCVD box MCVD soustruh

- for deposition of silica layers doped with germanium, phosphorus and boron

- an oxygen-hydrogen burner with an automatic temperature control for deposition and collapse

- the typical outer diameter of substrate tubes is 18 mm

Optical-fiber drawing

Tažička 1 Tažička 2

- two 6.5 m drawing towers

- Special Gas Controls and Centorr graphite furnaces for drawing temperature range 1600-2200°C

- resistance furnace "Clasic" for drawing of "soft-glass fibers" at temperatures up to 1000°C

- optional UV or heat cured polymer coating of drawn fibers

- take-up machine (Heathway)

Optical-fiber tapering


- a gas burner or CO2 laser used for the fiber heating

DC-Magnetron Sputtering


- Balzers BAS 450

- cylindrical chamber, 445 mm x 500 mm (d x h)

- substrate rotation, substrate heating up tp 300°C

- 5x10" Al and  ITO targets

- Ar and  O2 atmosphere












Dip-coating (ID Lab)


- dipping/pulling speed range 0-300 mm/min

- movement range 0-500 mm

















Thermal annealing


- high-temperature (1600°C) laboratory furnace Clasic

- tube furnaces for annealing temperatures up to 1000°C


















Characterisation and measurement

Refractive index profiling

A2600 S14

- preform refractive-index profiler (Photon Kinetics A2600)

- fiber refractive-index profiler (York S14)

Fiber mechanical-strength measurement

Tiratest 2150 - Tiratest 2150 dynamometer

- mechanical characterisation of fibers (tensile stress, cyclic stress)













Optical fiber spectral attenuation measurement

Ando AQ6315 Ocean Optics


- Ando AQ6315

- fiber spectrometers Ocean Optics USB2000, NIR256 a SD 2000

- fiber-coupled light sources (lamps, HIDs, lasers, LEDs)

Absorption spectrometry (Perkin-Elmer Lambda EZ210)

Perkin-Elmer Lambda EZ210

- wavelength range 190-1100 nm

Fluorescence spectrometer (Horiba Fluorolog 3)

Fluorolog 3

- detectors: single-photon counter (250-850 nm), InGaAs (800-1500 nm), PbS (1000-3000 nm)

- TCSPC fluorescence lifetime measurement, excitacion at 388, 438 a 782 nm, detection in range 250-850 nm


Electro-chemical methods (PalmSens)


- voltametry, amperometry, potentiometry

Optical microscopy

Olympus BX-51 Invertovaný mikroskop

- Olympus BX-51 microscope with IDS uEye CMOS digital camera (3 Mpix)

- Novel NIB-100 inverted microscope with IDS uEye CMOS digital camera (3 Mpix)