Questions and answers

Many questions related not specifically to P.M.M. events, but to visits to Prague and the Institute generally, have been moved to the new document "On visit to IMC", which contains also "What is where" questions and answers about important facilities near to the Institute.

Questions related to P.M.M. events

On-line registration

I have submitted the on-line registration form, but nobody has contacted me.

Possible reasons are: failure of recording your data after form submission, loss of data before or during processing, delay in processing of your registration, failure of delivery of our reply.

The most frequent problem is that people often do not enter their valid and properly working e-mail address. Nearly 10% of our replies returns as undeliverable. Typical reasons are: non-existing or full mailboxes on Yahoo and other freemails, non-existing subdomain or host for corporate addresses, or denied relaying (mostly for Asian and African locations). Quite often, the reason is a typing error in address or invalid old addresses.

Therefore, checking the e-mail address you have filled in is the first thing to do if you have registered without any response. Be sure that you have not mistyped and possibly try to test it by sending an e-mail.

To check status of you registration, you can log in and check or change what you need.

If you are preregistering for an event in more distant future, you may wait for the reply longer, in particular in the time of deadline for other events. This may also happen during holidays, epidemics, disasters etc.

The registration may be deleted by mistake during manual removing duplicities, when another person with the same or similar name occurs in the database. Data loss may also occur due to technical reasons.

Anyway, you should contact us again when you receive no message from us in the course of several weeks after registration.

I am going to pay with card using mail order. Can I send my details using e-mail?

No. Of course, it is technically possible to perform such a payment, but banking rules of our bank (ČSOB) do not allow us to accept payments based on orders sent in electronic form. We are authorized to perform payments with card (unless it is physically present) only on the basis of the "Mail order" on paper with original signature of the cardholder. You are probably aware that sending numers of embossed cards using unencrypted electronic mail is very unsafe: many unauthorized people can get its content on mail servers, and the card number and expiration date itself enable (technically) to perform the payment. It is not only theory, such crimes are documented. No wonder that banks do not support anything what makes card frauds easier.

Can I pay my registration fee with card via internet?

No. We are sorry, but although our bank generally offers this option, but the turnover of card payments connected with P.M.M. is much smaller than necessary to set up this service. You have to use "Mail order".

I need a formal invitation from you

Neither the Institute nor the PMM Secretariat is entitled to issue a formal invitation according to the Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Czech Republic, sections 15 and 180 for possible participants in the Prague Meetings on Macromolecules. If you are interested in a meeting, please apply for visa at the Czech Embassy.

Before travelling to Prague

Is the place of conference accessible to disabled persons?

The accessibility of the lecture room to disabled people is limited. The main entrance to the building is through the more than 10 steps. Avoiding them is possible through the rear gate from the Štolbova Street and using lift, but the appropriate staff must be notified. In the lecture room, the last row is fully accessible (see the room photo). Toilets are not adapted to enable access on wheelchairs.

Lunches: Can you provide kocher/diet/vegetarian food?

Kocher food: If you need kocher food, you have to visit one of kocher restaurants in the city. If you let us know in advance (e.g. in Messages field of registration form), we can try to negotiate a kocher food for you.

Diet food: If you need diet food, contact the Symposium Office in advance and specify your demands. You will be notified if we can fulfil your requirement.

Vegetarian food: Vegetarian food can be provided, if you ask at least one day before (we advice to specify such a demand in your Registration form).

If you do not make use of the lunches included in standard symposium fee for whatever reason and you want to subtract their price from the fee, you are advised to contact the Symposium Office in advance.

Questions at registration office

I have to pay something on registration. Can I pay with a payment card?

We are able to accept VISA (including VISA Electron), Eurocard/Mastercard, and Maestro cards.

I will pay in cash. What currency can I use?

Payments are usually accepted in Euros (EUR) or Czech crowns (CZK). Small amounts are always paid or returned in Czech crowns. Although we are able to accept payments in foreigned currencies as well, we are not entitled to exchange money.

Can I buy lunch tickets for an unregistered accompanying person?

As you can read in 2nd circular, unregistered accompanying persons and children are not provided with lunch tickets. Nevertheless, if the capacity of refectory permits, you can buy lunch tickets for them at registration (price about 500 Kč for each lunch, may differ for each event). If you plan to buy additional lunch tickets, please let us know in advance.

Which part of the conference fee is VAT (Value added tax)?

All fees currently include a 19% VAT.


I would like to take a walk during a break. What interesting can I see not far from the Institute?

The text What you can see... brings some tips.

When my paper for Macromolecular Symposia (or other journal) will be published?

The page informing about publication status has been established.

Last updated: 16.06.2009

Josef Jůza

Symposia - General information | FAQ | What is where | What you can see | guides with map and pictures