View: future 2010 2009 2008 2007

8. 1. 2008
10:00Marta Lewicka (University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA): Shell theories arising as low energy Gamma-limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity (joint work with Maria Giovanna Mora and Reza Pakzad). We discuss the limiting behaviour ('Gamma limit') of the 3d nonlinear elasticity theory for thin shells around 2d surfaces of arbitrary geometry. In particular, under the assumption that the elastic energy of deformations scales like (thickness of the shell)^4, we derive a limiting theory for 2 dimensional surfaces which is a generalization of the von Karman theory for plates.
26. 2. 2008
9:00Pawel Konieczny (Varsava): Lp estimates for the Oseen system in the halfspace R+2.
10:15Jiri Jarusek (MU AV, Praha): Recent results in contact problems.
3. 3. 2008
15:45 K1, Sokolovska 83Alexander Mielke (WIAS and HU Berlin): Analysis of Rate-Independent Material Models I. [Abstract].
4. 3. 2008
9:00Jense Frehse (University of Bonn, Germany): New counterexamples of elliptic and parabolic equations with discontinuous coefficients. [Abstract (pdf), Slides].
10:00Alexander Mielke (WIAS and HU Berlin): Analysis of Rate-Independent Material Models II.
10. 3. 2008
17:20 K1, Sokolovska 83Alexander Mielke (WIAS and HU Berlin): Analysis of Rate-Independent Material Models III.
11. 3. 2008
9:00Giuseppe Tomassetti (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile,Universita` di Roma TorVergata, Italy): A system of degenerate parabolic equations from strain-gradient plasticity.
10:00Alexander Mielke (WIAS and HU Berlin): Analysis of Rate-Independent Material Models IV.
25. 3. 2008
9:00Pavel Drabek (CAM, KMA, Zapadoceska univerzita v Plzni): Apriori estimates for quasilinear equations II: proof in the special case.
10:00Marius Tucsnak (Institut H. Poincare, University of Nancy, France): Mathematical modeling of self-propelels motions of a solid in a fluid.
1. 4. 2008
9:00Yuliya Namlyeyeva (Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine, Donetsk): Finite speed of propagations of the electromagnetic field in nonlinear isotropic dispersive mediums.
10:15Philippe Laurencot (Toulouse, France): Large time behavior for diffusive Hamilton-Jacobi equations 2. (1st lecture will be 31.3. in K1, Sokolovska 83.)
7. 4. 2008
Workshop of the Necas Centre: Boundary Control and Optimization [program abstracts]
8. 4. 2008
Workshop of the Necas Centre: Boundary Control and Optimization [program abstracts]
15. 4. 2008
9:00Andro Mikelic (Lyon, France): On the equations governing the flow of mechanically incompresible, but thermally expansible, viscous fluids.
10:15Philippe Laurencot (Toulouse, France): Large time behavior for diffusive Hamilton-Jacobi equations 4. (3rd lecture will be 14.4. 15:40-16:40 in K1, Sokolovska 83.)
22. 4. 2008
9:00Patrick Penel (Toulon, France): Steady Navier-Stokes equations with various inhomogeneous boundary conditions.
10:15Jan Novak (MFF UK, Praha): Kinetic formulation of hyperbolic systems.
29. 4. 2008
A. Muntean (Eidhoven, Holland): A class of moving-boundary problems arising in the chemical corrosion of unsaturated porous materials: modeling, analysis and simulation. [Abstract]
27. 5. 2008
13:00M. Oberlack (TU Darmstadt, Germany): On a new scaling group in the multi-point correlation equations and its importance for fractal generated turbulence.
11. 6. 2008
14:00Alexis Vasseur (University of Texas at Austin, USA): Higher derivative estimates for the 3D Navier-Stokes equation. [Abstract]
23. 9. 2008
10:00Antoine Henrot (University of Nancy, France): Problems of minimization for eigenvalues of the Laplacian.
30. 9. 2008
9:00Ping Zhang (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China): On the global existence of smooth solution to the 2-D FENE Dumbbell Model.
10:20Ping Zhang (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China): Conservative solutions to a system of variational wave equations of nematic liquid crystals.
11:40Maria Neuss-Radu (University of Heidelberg, Germany): Multiscale analysis and simulation of a reaction-diffusion problem with transmission conditions. [Abstract, pdf].
7. 10. 2008
9:30Matthias Hieber (TU Darmstadt, Germany): Maximal $L^p$-Regularity for Parabolic Evolution Equations and Applications to Fluid Dynamics I. In these lectures we consider the problem of maximal regularity for evolution equations in the context of $L^p$-spaces. We will discuss two approaches to this problem, one by singular integrals and the other one by operator sums. Topics include the vector-valued version of Mikhlin's theorem, the characterization of maximal regularity in terms of $R$-boundedness of the resolvent as well as the Dore-Venni theorem. The results will be applied to the Stokes system and to certain fluid-structure interaction problems.
11:00Matthias Hieber (TU Darmstadt, Germany): Maximal $L^p$-Regularity for Parabolic Evolution Equations and Applications to Fluid Dynamics II.
14. 10. 2008
9:00Aneta Wróblewska (Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland): Steady flow of non-Newtonian fluids -- monotonicity methods in generalized Orlicz spaces Our purpose is to show existence of weak solutions to steady flow of non-Newtonian incompressible fluids with nonstandard growth conditions of the Cauchy stress tensor. We are motivated by the fluids of strongly inhomogeneous behavior and characterized by rapid shear thickening. Since $L^p$ framework is not sufficient to capture the described model, we describe the growth conditions with help of general $x$--dependent convex function and formulate our problem in generalized Orlicz spaces. We will use the generalization of classical Minty-Browder method to nonreflexive spaces.
10:30Andrzej Warzyński (Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland): Finite element approximations for large eddy simulation model Finite-element approximation procedure will be presented for the system of equations arising from large eddy simulation of turbulent flows. We will show that solutions to the approximate problems generate strongly convergent subsequence whose limit is the weak solution of the original problem. To prove the convergence theorem we will use Young measures and related tools.
21. 10. 2008
9:00Petr Kaplický (MFF UK, Praha): Recent regularity results for generalized Navier-Stokes equations
10:15pracovní seminář NCMM Na pracovním semináři vystoupí Jan Březina a Marek Kobera.
28. 10. 2008
Seminář se nekoná.
4. 11. 2008
9:00Roger Lewandowski (University Rennes 1, France): Simple results for 3D NSE in periodic case Part II - Leray-Alpha and Bardina models in the periodic case
10:15Tetsuro Miyakawa (Kanazawa University): Weighted Estimates for Exterior 3D Navier-Stokes Flows We establish various estimates for norms with polynomial weights of weak and strong solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in a 3D exterior domain. The results obtained improve the known results deduced so far by various authors and seem to be optimal in general.
11. 11. 2008
9:00Roger Lewandowski (University Rennes 1, France): Simple results for 3D NSE in periodic case Part IV - What remains true when one works with realistic BC such as the interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere, some open problems.
10:15Tetsuro Miyakawa (Kanazawa University): On the existence and asymptotic behavior of dissipative 2D quasi-geostrophic flows I.
11:30pracovní seminář NCMM Na pracovním semináři vystoupí Martin Lanzendörfer.
18. 11. 2008
9:00pracovní seminář NCMM Vít Průša: Stability of pipe flow
Libor Pavlíček: Reduced Sobolev spaces
10:30Tetsuro Miyakawa (Kanazawa University): On the existence and asymptotic behavior of dissipative 2D quasi-geostrophic flows II.
25. 11. 2008
9:00Jörg Wolf (University of Magdeburg): On the pressure of the Navier-Stokes equations and time regularity
10:15Enrique Thomann (Oregon State University): The fundamental solution of the linearized equations of fluid mechanics An explicit formula for the fundamental solution of the linearized equations of fluid mechanics will be presented. These equations are obtained by linearizing the Navier-Stokes equations around a velocity that could be purely translational, resulting in the Stokes or Oseen equation, or include an angular velocity. The methods to obtain these solutions differ when these problems are considered in two or three dimensions. I will survey some of these aspects and present some properties of the resulting fundamental solutions. The talk is based on joint work with Ron Guenther.
2. 12. 2008
9:00Takéo Takahashi (University of Nancy, France): Collisions between rigid bodies in a viscous incompressible fluid We are interested by the contacts between rigid bodies moving into a viscous incompressible fluid. We consider the system composed by a rigid ball moving into a viscous incompressible fluid, over a fixed horizontal plane. The equations of motion for the fluid are the Navier--Stokes equations and the equations for the motion of the rigid ball are obtained by applying Newton's laws. We show that for any weak solutions of the corresponding system satisfying the energy inequality, the rigid ball never touches the plane.
10:15Lucio Boccardo (University of Rome, Italy): Some developments on Dirichlet problems with discontinuous coefficients Abstract: short long
11:30Reinhard Racke (University of Konstanz, Germany): Hyperbolic equations in wave guides
9. 12. 2008
9:00Jan Franců (Brno University of Technology): New approach to homogenization Periodic homogenization means replacing an equation with periodic coefficients by an 'equivalent' constant coefficient equation which yields globally the same solution. The mathematic approach studies a sequence of problems with coefficients with diminishing period. The contribution aims to give basic ideas of a new approach to non-periodic homogenization developed by G. Nguetseng. It is based on the spectrum of Banach algebras and a new $\Sigma$-convergence.
10:45pracovní seminář NCMM Ondřej Kreml: Local-in-time existence for the FENE dumbbell model
16. 12. 2008
9:00Alain Miranville (University of Poitiers, France): Asymptotic behavior of some doubly nonlinear equations
10:15Martin Hairer (University of Warwick, UK): Ergodic Theory for Stochastic PDEs III. The aim of these lectures is to present a reasonably self-contained theory of ergodicity for stochastic processes that is sufficiently flexible to allow to deal with infinite-dimensional problems like the stochastic Navier- Stokes equations, stochastic reaction-diffusion equations, etc. In the first lecture, we will introduce the main objects and problems, and remind the audience of the 'classical' theory of Harris chains. We will go through elementary sketches of proofs of some of the main results of this theory. In the second lecture, we will argue that the theory of Harris chains is not suitable for infinite-dimensional problems and we will lay down the foundations for a modified theory that is more flexible. The remainder of the course will be devoted to the applications of this theory to a class of stochastic PDEs. In the third lecture, we will sketch the proof of a general ergodicity result. The final lecture will be devoted to showing how to leverage the bounds obtained in the third lecture to obtain an exponential convergence result.
11:30Martin Hairer (University of Warwick, UK): Ergodic Theory for Stochastic PDEs IV.

(Subject to alteration)

Everyone is warmly welcome.

Šárka Nečasová and Milan Pokorný
organizers of the seminar.

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Last changed 18. 3. 2010, J. Stebel.