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Logo Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, v. v. i.

List of current research projects


National projects

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Projects of targeted research and development

Bioactive support for cell cultivation and grafting
Jiří Michálek

New hybrid magnetic nanocomposite materials for selected applications in medicine, magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic hyperthermia
Daniel Horák

New hybrid bio-artificial vascular prostheses through tissue-engineering methods
František Rypáček

Program "Nanotechnology for society"

Molecular nanosystems and nanoparts: electrical transport properties
Stanislav Nešpůrek

Heterogeneous organic and hybrid nanocomposite materials for solar cells
Jiří Pfleger

Nanoparticulate and supramolecular systems for targeted drug delivery
Karel Ulbrich

Preparation and study of the properties of organic-inorganic nanocomposite materials prepared by emulsion polymerization in situ
Zdena Sedláková

Information society (part of National research and development program)

Computer modeling of chemical structures for design of macromolecular systems with new biological, mechanical and electronic properties
Jiří Dybal

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

Program of research centers

Center of cell therapy and tissue repair
František Rypáček

Center for targeted therapeutics
Karel Ulbrich

Materials and components for environment protection
Věra Cimrová

National research program II

Recycling of waste and unutilized materials to special and construction materials based on geopolymers
Jiří Brus

Complex recycling of plastic waste from wrecks of cars
Zdeněk Kruliš

Monitoring and minimization of ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) wear in total joint replacements
Miroslav Šlouf

New approaches in characterization and identification of probiotic bacteria for functional foodstuffs
Daniel Horák

Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Polymer structures for support and regeneration of vascular walls
František Rypáček

New generation of polymer carriers of drugs for targeted therapy
Karel Ulbrich

Conducting polymer nanofilms
Jaroslav Stejskal

Macroscopic translational diffusion and local dynamics in polymer systems
Jan Pilař

Control of negative charge distribution in lattice of silicon-rich zeolites
Jiří Spěváček

Surface-enhanced photophysical processes on metal nanoparticles in polymer nanocomposites
Jiří Pfleger

Self-organization of hydrophobic polymers with ionizable groups
Petr Štěpánek

Ordered polyurethanes based on grafted polybutadiene-diols with rod-like or banana-shaped mesogens in side chains
Zdeňka Sedláková

Polymers for photonics
Věra Cimrová

Spectroscopic study of molecular self-ordering in conducting polymers
Miroslava Trchová

Environment-responsive nanoparticles
Čestmír Koňák

Structural studies of ˛-galactosidase from psychrotrophic microorganisms; analysis of biologically and technologically important complexes
Jan Dohnálek

New multifunctional self-assembled nanocomposite materials
Milena Špírková

Nanobiotechnology for formation of interfaces between biological media and artificial objects
Eduard Brynda

Controlled grafting of cellulose by atom-transfer radical polymerization and study of application properties of prepared graft copolymers
Petr Vlček

Micromechanisms and nanomechanisms in deformation and impair of polymer nanocomposites
Jiří Kotek

Cooperativity of macromolecular hydrogen bonds
Jaroslav Kříž

Development and application of NMR techniques of dipolar interaction measurement in solid state. Determination of 3D structure and amplitude of inner motion of polymer systems
Jiří Brus

Theory of stability and selectivity of unnatural DNA bases
Jiří Czernek

Thermoresponsive drug delivery systems for local radiotherapy
Martin Hrubý

Molecular-scale electronic processes in materials suitable for organic photosensitive parts
Petr Toman

Conjugated silicon polymers for resists in nanotechnologies
Stanislav Nešpůrek

Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

Synthesis of novel amphiphilic gels for biomedical use and study of their properties
Miroslav Janata

Nonlinear viscoelasticity and dimensional stability of thermoplastics and their blends
Jan Kolařík

Monitoring and minimization of wear of ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene used for joint replacements
Miroslav Šlouf

Polymer ligands as energy donors for lanthanides
Drahomír Výprachtický

Stimuli-responsive self-organized nanostructures based on polyelectrolytes with novel architectures
Zdeněk Tuzar

Molecularly mediated fabrication of metal nanostructures with strong optical resonances
Jiří Pfleger

Study of formation of biological glasses for keeping and controlling plant biodiversity
Antonín Sikora

Structure and dynamics of drug carrier systems based on water-soluble thermotropic polymers
Jiří Dybal

Magnetic hydrophilic polymer microparticles responding to external stimuli for medicine and bioengineering
Daniel Horák

Polymer nanocomposite systems with a hierarchical structure
Libor Matějka

Preparation of new ion-exchange membranes, suitable especially for fuel cells
Jan Schauer

Polymer drug conjugates targeted with specific oligopeptides
Karel Ulbrich

Layered phosphates, phosphonates, double hydroxides and their intercalation compounds
Vítězslav Zíma

Combined chemoimmunotherapy with immunopolymers based on N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide
Karel Ulbrich

Rapid methods for detection of the pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica in foods
Daniel Horák

Study of ß-glucans of selected edible mushrooms
Jiří Spěváček

Development of bioaffinity reactors for detection and analysis of epitopes with immunogenic or allergenic potential using microchip analyzer
Daniel Horák

The action of chitin and chitosan in human colon
Galina Tiščenko

Phase structure formation in ternary polymer blends
Ivan Fortelný

Chalcogenides doped with rare-earth ions - materials for information technologies
Božena Frumarová

Multicomponent polymer matrix nanocomposites with simultaneous action of nanofiller as compatibilizer and reinforcer
Ivan Kelnar

Production, separation and storage of biohydrogen for energetics
Zbyněk Pientka

Enhancement of photoelectrical conversion in polymer nanocomposites containing metal and semiconducting nanoparticles
Klára Podhájecká

Preparation of inorganic-organic hybrid materials based on layered phosphonates
Jan Svoboda

Photoactive molecular electronic elements: theoretical study and experimental modeling
Petr Toman

Hybride biocomposite of a new generation
Zdeněk Kruliš

Formation of electrorheological structures and their characterization
Jaroslav Stejskal

Biofunctional self-organized nanostructures of amphiphilic copolymers, biopolymers, biomacromolecules and nanoparticles: from bioinspired to biointegrated systems
Petr Štěpánek

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

Bilateral international projects

Preparation, characterization and application of gradient polymer layers on solid substrates
Petr Vlček

Layered nanocomposite polymer membranes with charge
Miroslav Bleha

Introduction of advanced methods of structural genomics for structure analysis of biological macromolecules
Jindřich Hašek

Biologically active coordination compounds: synthesis, characterization and thermal properties
Jana Kovářová

Association of weak polyanions by hydrogen bonds
Čestmír Koňák

Surface modification of materials with conducting polymers
Jaroslav Stejskal

Molecular photoconductive and photoreactive systems: From macroscopic elements to nanostructures
Stanislav Nešpůrek

Light-induced phenomena in molecular materials
Stanislav Nešpůrek

Modelling of charge carrier transport in conjugated polymers doped with polar admixtures
Petr Toman

Ordered arrays of photoactive materials prepared via polymer templates
Věra Cimrová

Separation of gas mixtures by membrane processes
Zbyněk Pientka

Other ministries of the Czech Republic

Humic substances: investigation of chemical and physical properties, effect of structure on biological activity and mechanism of their action on microorganisms and plant and animal cells
Milan Beneš

High-tech applications of phthalocyanine derivatives
Stanislav Nešpůrek

Chemical recycling of flexible polyurethane foam
Hynek Beneš

Nanofibres and their composites for technical and biomedicinal applications
Jiří Michálek

Preclinical tests of a polymer bound cytostatic and transfer of its synthesis from laboratory to pilot-plant scale
Karel Ulbrich

Research and development of fuel cells with liquid electrolyte
Miroslav Bleha

Advanced beam technologies of layer formation and processing for manufacture in electronics
Stanislav Nešpůrek

Sensors and biosensors for diagnostics in medicine
Eduard Brynda

The effect of biological surface treatment of selected implant materials on synthetic activity of osteoblasts and inflammatory cells, in vitro study
Dana Kubies

New generation of tough polystyrene: morphology-application properties relationship in heterophase materials, development of new grades and their manufacture technology
Miroslav Šlouf

Nanomaterials and functional systems based on diketopyrrole a cyclopentapyrrole compounds for electronic devices
Stanislav Nešpůrek

Development, applications and testing of novel catalysts for polyurethane systems
Milena Špírková

New high-tough epoxide systems for composites and adhesives
Libor Matějka

Industrial companies

Polymer systems for targeted therapy
Karel Ulbrich

Research in the field of protective organic coatings and polymer composites
Miroslava Dušková

Anionic synthesis of polybutadienes
Petr Vlček

Research and development of new waste-free processes in galvanic technologies
Miroslav Bleha

Development of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-based paints for wood conservation
Jiří Michálek

Study of structure - property relationships of methacrylate and acrylate copolymers, in particular thermal stability
Jana Kovářová

International projects

European Union

New hybrid nanocomposites from functional nanobuilding blocks (research training network project), EUHPRN-CT-2002-00306
IMC contractor: Libor Matějka

Nanostructured and multi-functional polymer-based materials and nanocomposites (network of excellence), NANOFUN-POLY, FP6 NMP3-CT-2004-500361
Contractor: Consortium for Research of Nanostructured and Crosslinked Polymeric Materials, CRNCPM, represented by Karel Dušek

Gene therapy: an integrated approach to neoplastic treatment (integrated project), GIANT, FP6 LSHB-CT-2004-512087
IMC contractor: Karel Ulbrich

Novel therapeutic strategies for tissue engineering of bone and cartilage using second generation biomimetic scaffolds (network of excellence), EXPERTISSUES, FP6 NMP3-CT-2004-500283
IMC contractor: František Rypáček

Nanoscale-based membrane technologies (network of excellence), NanoMemPro , FP6 NMP3-CT-2004-500623
Contractor: Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Miroslav Bleha supervising the IMC collaborating work centre.

Self-organized nanostructures of amphiphilic block copolymers, ESF EUROCORES SONS Program, 02-PE-SONS-112-AMPHI
IMC contractor: Petr Štěpánek

Polymer electrolytes and non-noble metal electrocatalysts for high temperature PEM fuel cells (specific targeted research project STREP), EU FP6 033228 Apollon B
IMC contractor: Jan Schauer

Foreign companies

Polymer drug delivery systems
František Rypáček

Synthesis of poly(meth)acrylates with terminal hydroxy groups
Petr Vlček

The topical list of research projects in the Czech Republic is available in the Central Registry of Projects on the web of the Government of the Czech Republic.

Jan Pilar (pilar@imc.cas.cz)
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Generated on 5.6.2009 from the source modified on 5.6.2009.