Programme booklet available (without abstracts)



Prague Meetings on Macromolecules
60th meeting - 20th discussion conference

Scattering methods for the investigation of polymers

PRAGUE, 9 - 12 JULY 2001





  • Programme
  • Social events
  • Welcome reception
  • Excursion with informal dinner
  • Farewell toast
  • Accompanying persons programme
  • Events
  • Booking
  • General information
  • On arrival in  Prague

  • 20th discussion conference of P.M.M.

    under the auspices of the


  • Macromolecular Division

    R.G. Gilbert
    President of the Macromolecular Division

  • Organized by the


  • K. Ulbrich
    Director of the Institute

    D. Výprachtický
    P.M.M. Head

    J. Kahovec
    P.M.M. Editor

    J. Jůza
    P.M.M. Assistant Editor

    M. Srpová
    P.M.M. Secretary

    E. Grisová
    M. Rodová
    P.M.M. Assistant Secretaries

    J. Hradil
    P.M.M. Technical Manager

    D. Kotíková
    P.M.M. Social Programme Manager

  • Address:

  • Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry

    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

    P.M.M. Secretariat

    Heyrovského nám. 2

    162 06 Praha 6, Czech Republic

    Phone: +420-2-204 03 332 Fax: +420-2-35 35 79 81 E-mail:

  • International Advisory Board

    N.P. Balsara (U.S.A.) H. Reynaers (Belgium)
    F.S. Bates (U.S.A.) J. Rička (Switzerland)
    S .Förster (Germany) D. Roux (France)
    K. Kajiwara (Japan) G.D. Wignall (U.S.A.)
    K. Mortensen (Denmark) Wen-li Wu (U.S.A.)
    W.F. Reed (U.S.A)  

    Conference Chairman

    Josef Pleštil

    Local Programme Committee

    J. Baldrian, D. Hlavatá, J. Holoubek, Č. Koňák, P. Štěpánek, Z. Tuzar



    Knowledge of the structure of polymeric systems is a prerequisite for understanding their properties and functions. The conference is addressed to scientists interested in assessing the present state and trends in characterization of polymer structure and dynamics using scattering methods. The meeting aims to cover various aspects of light, X-ray and neutron scattering as techniques providing complementary information on structure. Attention is also devoted to the investigation of processes occurring in macromolecular materials based on time-resolved experiments.


    1. Solid polymer systems
    2. Structure and dynamics of particles in solutions
    3. Networks and gels
    4. Processes in polymeric systems
    5. Methods


    The main lectures (see p. 6) and special lectures (see pp. 7-9) will form the backbone of the programme. The presentation time for each main lecture is 40 min, an additional 10 min is reserved for discussion. The presentation time for each special lecture is 20 min, an additional 5 min is reserved for discussion.

    Two poster sessions will be arranged for presentation of an unlimited number of poster communications. Posters are to be mounted half a day preceding the corresponding poster session in order to be freely accessible to participants for preliminary inspection (see pp. 10-11).

    Two panel discussions will be scheduled (see p. 6).

    All sessions will be held in the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha 6, Heyrovského nám. 2. The opening ceremony and opening lecture will take place on Monday, 9 July, in the morning.


    English is the working language of the Meeting; no translation will be provided. All materials for publication must be submitted in English.


    Blackboard, projector of 5 x 5 cm slides, overhead projector, and videoprojector (XGA) with the possibility of connecting to a notebook, to local PC (ZIP, CD, FDD 3.5) or to VHS are available for lectures and discussions (the slide projector will not function with slides thicker than 2.5 mm). Boards for mounting posters as well as pushpins and felt-tip pens are available in the poster area.


    The following scientists have agreed to present the main lectures:

    S.H. Anastasiadis (Greece)
    Polymer Brushes and Mushrooms in Polymeric Matrices

    E. Geissler (France)
    Structure of Silica-filled Polymer Gels

    O. Glatter (Austria)
    Structure and Dynamics in Aqueous Polymer Solutions Studied by SAXS and DLS

    T. Hashimoto (Japan)
    Self-assembly in Block Copolymers and Blends as Studied by Scattering Methods

    J.S. Higgins (U.K.)
    Neutron Reflectivity Measurements on Polymer Interfaces

    T.P. Lodge (U.S.A.)
    Structure and Dynamics of Copolymer-containing Polymer Liquids

    A.J. Ryan (U.K.)
    Nucleation of Crystallisation in Homopolymers and Block Copolymers


    Weighing up New Possibilities of Scattering and Simulation Techniques for Determination of Structures and Chain Dynamics

    Invited discussion leader: W. Burchard (Germany)

    Progress in SANS Studies of Polymer Systems

    Invited discussion leader: G. D. Wignall (U.S.A.)


    The following scientists have agreed to present the special lectures:

    L. Aberle, M. Kleemeier, O.-D. Hennemann, W. Burchard (Germany)
    Selection of Single Scattering from Multiple Scattering Systems by 3D-cross-correlation. Concentrated Polymer Solutions

    Y.A. Akpalu (U.S.A.)
    Structure - Property Relationship for Functionally Tailored Polymer Blends by Time-resolved Light Scattering

    R. Bansil, Y.Li, H. Nie, K. Ludwig, M. Steinhart, Č. Koňák, J. Lal
    (U.S.A., Czech Republic)
    Structure and Ordering Kinetics of Micelles in Triblock Copolymer Solutions in Selective Solvents

    J.D. Barnes, R. Kolb (U.S.A.)
    Temperature-induced Contrast Variation as a Tool for Characterizing Anisotropic Polymer Microstructres

    H. Benoît, G. Jannink (France)
    A New Approach to the Problem of Radiation Scattering by Multicomponent Systems

    M.C. Blanco, D. Leissner, C. VÁzquez, M.A. LÓpez-Quintela (Spain)
    Dynamic Light Scattering: A Useful Technique to Follow Gelation and Phase Separation in Polymer Mixtures

    H.B. Bohidar, P.L. Dubin (India, U.S.A.)
    SANS and Light Scattering from BSA-Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) Coacervates

    B. Ewen (Germany)
    Single- and Many-chain Behaviour in Melts of Short Chain Homopolymers and Related Binary Blends as Observed by Static and Dynamics Neutron Scattering

    F. Ganazzoli (Italy)
    Linear, Branched and Hyperbranched Macromolecules in Dilute Solution

    B. Goderis, H. Reynaers, R. Scherrenberg, V.B.F. Mathot, M.H.J. Koch (Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands)
    Temperature Reversible Transitions in Linear Polyethylene Studied by Temperature-modulated DSC, AFM and Time-resolved Temperature-modulated WAXD/SAXS

    B. Grady (U.S.A.)
    The Use of Monte-Carlo Simulations to Calculate Scattering Patterns

    A.M. Jamieson (U.S.A.)
    Dynamic Light Scattering Measurements of the Intrinsic Twist Viscosity of Liquid- crystalline Polymers Dissolved in Nematic Solvents

    S. King (U.K.)
    SANS from Adsorbed Polymer Layers

    T. Kotaka, H. Okamoto (Japan)
    Structure Development in Polyaniline Films during Electrochemical Polymerization: Time-resolved Rayleigh Scattering Photometry

    K. Mortensen (Denmark)
    Structural Studies of Block Copolymer Systems under the Influence of Shear

    T. Pakula (Germany)
    Structure Factors of Complex Macromlecules

    C.M. Papadakis, F. Rittig, G. Fleischer, J. Kärger, K. Almdal, K. Mortensen, P. Štěpánek (Germany, Czech Republic, Denmark)
    The Dynamics in Microphase-separated Block Copolymer Systems

    M. Ree, B. Lee, T.J. Shin, S.W. Lee, J.W. Lee (Korea)
    Time-resolved SAXS Studies on Crystallization Behaviour of Poly(ethylene isophthalate-co-ethyleneterephthalate)s

    W.F. Reed (U.S.A.)
    Monitoring Kinetic Processes in Polymer Solutions with Time-dependent Static Light Scattering (TDSLS)

    H. Reynaers, S. Paoletti, K. Bongaerts, F. Cuppo (Belgium, Italy)
    Light Scattering Investigations of Association Phenomena in Saline Carrageenan Solutions: Molecularity of Salt- and Temperature-induced Conformational Transitions

    A.B. Rodd, D.E. Dunstan, D.V. Boger, J. Schmidt, W. Burchard (Australia, Germany)
    Heterodyne and Non-ergodic Approach to Dynamic Light Scattering of Polymer Gels: Aqueous Xanthan in the Presence of Metal Ions (Al(III))

    T. Röder, A. Potthast, T. Rosenau, G. Ebner, P. Kosma, H. Sixta, O. Glatter (Austria)
    The Effect of Water on the Solution State of Cellulose in the Solvent System N,N-dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride - One Reason for Inconsistent Results in Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC)

    F. Scheffold, S. Romer, S. Skipetrov, H. Bissig, A. Stradner, V. Lobaskin,
    V. Trappe, P. Schurtenberger (Russia, Switzerland)
    Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy of Nonergodic Media: Dynamics of Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions and Gels

    P. Ziegler, O. Spyckerelle, B. Haidar, A. Vidal, J. Oberdisse, F. Boue (France)
    Small-angle Neutron Scattering Study of Bimodal Elastomeric Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Networks


    Contributions covering unpublished results related to the programme topics can be presented as posters. The number of poster communications is not limited but every poster communication is to be registered for presentation on the Registration Form; the registered poster communication is accepted if the author's participation fee has been remitted.

    Boards for mounting poster materials are 120 cm high and 150 cm wide. A label (20 x 30 cm) indicating the programme number of your contribution identical with that of its summary in the Programme Booklet will be at the top of the board.


    Summaries of main and special lectures and poster communications will be published in the Programme Booklet provided that they have been registered (see General Information, p. 14) and their camera-ready texts have reached the P.M.M. Secretariat by 30 April 2001, either on diskettes or by e-mail. Please note that only files in RTF format or Microsoft Word files can be processed without difficulties. It is recommended to use file names derived from the names of participants. You may also send hard copies of summaries but not their facsimiles.

    The P.M.M. Secretariat will confirm the receipt of the summary of a registered poster communication. On the other hand, unregistered summaries will be neither confirmed nor published or returned.

    Summaries, except for their headings, will be printed without editing.

    Preparation of summaries

    Summaries should not exceed one page of the A4 size. Please keep the following typing specifications (for a sample, see the enclosure at the end of the Circular, or on this server in formats: RTF, MS Word 97 template, MS Word 95 document): width 180 mm, maximum length 220 mm, sufficiently big lettering (2.0-2.5 mm, Times New Roman 15 points as an optimum), single spacing, except where additional space is required for mathematical expressions, chemical equations, or schemes. The left margin should be 15 mm; the summary must start 40 mm from the top of the paper to leave space for the programme number. The heading of each summary should consist of the title of the contribution (in black capital letters), author's (authors') name(s) (in capital letters), and address(es) (department or laboratory, institution, street, city, province or state, postal code, country, e-mail); the heading (all lines) should not be indented or centred. Figures can be drawn (or their photographs fixed) directly on the sheet; half-tone reproductions are excluded. Figure captions should be positioned below the figures; the size of letters and numbers (including sub- and superscripts) should be between 4 and 5 mm.

    If you are submitting a hard copy, please note that it is to be typed on sheets (A4 size) of heavy paper. If a laser or jet printer is not available, use an electric typewriter (lettering 2.0 mm as a minimum) with plastic carbon ribbon and correct all errors carefully using a correction ribbon or fluid.


    Both main lectures and special lectures will be published in a special volume of Macromolecular Symposia. Their authors are asked to send the manuscripts to the Conference Editor, Dr J. Kahovec, at the P.M.M. Secretariat, by 30 June 2001 (the receipt will be confirmed).

    A maximum of 15 pages is allowed for main lecture and special lecture papers. As the papers are published in camera-ready form, the manuscripts should be typed on special laysheets, which will be sent to the authors, along with instructions and sample pages, by the Editorial Office of Macromolecular Symposia. A diskette with the text of the paper including figures should accompany the hard copy of the manuscript (if possible, not a Macintosh file).

    A possibility of publishing full papers based on poster communications in the field of fundamental research in Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications (monthly in English) is offered provided that the manuscripts are set up according to the instructions for authors (available on request) and sent directly to the Editorial Office (address: Flemingovo nám. 2, 166 10  Praha 6, Czech Republic; phone/fax +420-2-311 12 71, E-mail The accepted papers are published within three months.



    Sunday, 8 July, 19:00 - 21:00

    An informal get-together party with cold dishes in the Komenský hall of residence (Praha 6, Parléřova 6).

    Complimentary for all registered participants.


    Wednesday, 11 July, 14:00 - 23:00

    Visit to one of the historic castles or towns near Prague, followed by an informal dinner.

    The excursion will not coincide with any programme session or any event of the Accompanying Persons Programme.

    Please book for the excursion using the Registration Form (admission by tickets only).

    Price: CHF 90 (extra fee).


    Thursday, 12 July

    A farewell drink after closing ceremony in the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry.

    Complimentary for all participants.



    Sightseeings and visits will be guided.

    Monday, 9 July

    12:30-13:30 Lunch
    14:00-17:00 Introductory sightseeing in Prague

    Tuesday, 10 July

    09:00-17:00 Visit to a famous castle or well-known spa in Bohemia (lunch included)

    Wednesday, 11 July

    09:00-12:30 Visit to Prague Castle (Hradčany)
    12:30-13:30 Lunch

    Thursday, 12 July

    09:00-12:30 Sightseeing featuring the Old Town of Prague
    12:30-13:30 Lunch


    For booking and payment, see General Information.Unregistered accompanying persons and children cannot participate in the scheduled events; neither are they provided with lunch tickets (see Lunches and refreshments).




    Final registration

    Registration fees

    Remittance of fees



    Accommodation in the hall of residence

    Accommodation in hotels




    Registration Form/Fees 15 April 2001
    Reservation and payment of accommodation in the hall of residence 15 April 2001
    Camera-ready summaries of main lectures, special lectures,
    and registered poster communications
    30 April 2001
    Cancellation of registration (if full refund is required) 1 June 2001
    Camera-ready papers based on main and special lectures 30 June 2001


    All correspondence should be addressed to the

    P.M.M. Secretariat

    Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry

    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

    Heyrovského nám. 2, CZ-162 06 Praha 6

    Czech Republic

    Phone: +420-2-204 03 332

    Fax: +420-2-35 35 79 81






    Public transport

    How to reach the Komenský hall of residence

    How to reach the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry



    All participants, including invited speakers, should register. Registration of participants will take place in the Komenský hall of residence (Praha 6, Parléřova 6), where some participants will stay, on Sunday, 8 July, from 14:00 to 21:00. On Monday, 9 July, the registration will continue (from 08:30) in the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (Praha 6, Heyrovského nám. 2).


    (menu is available in a separate document)