Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

HiPER – European High Power Laser Energy research Facility

HiPER - European High Power laser Energy Research facility (Preparatory Phase Study) is a project of the European Community No. 211737, which is realized in the 7th Community Frame Programme (FP7-Infrastructures).

The project aims to develop a conceptual and technological demonstrator of generation of inertial fusion energy. Its main aim is to imitate the physical conditions such as at the centre of the sun or stars and to start (using the powerful laser) the inertial fusion, which is a necessary condition for the release and subsequent use of large amounts of energy.

HiPER - inertial fusion

The coordinator of the project is the United Kingdom and one of its partners is the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences, which in addition to addressing issues of scientific research provides the authority of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic coordination of the project working group, whose activities are financed from the grant given by the Ministry of Education. It funds four working groups (Work Packages - WP), namely WP10, 12,14 and 15, and the most important contribution belongs to WP14 and WP15 activities.

WP14 is focused on design research of laser facility, capable to operate in a high repetition regime and WP15 works at research design of the target injector in the interior laser space. Coordination of the working group 15 is provided by the authorized representative of the Institute of Physics, Dr. Ing. Bedrich Rus.

HiPER - building

In 2010, Prague is going to became a meeting place of the Executive Committee of the project HiPER-PP and there will be held a regular annual conference of the project participants HiPER-PP ("The Participants' Forum“). The preparatory phase project will run to 2011.

More information about the progress and outputs of HiPER can be found at:

HiPER Video in English can be found here:

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