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121 captures
19 Mar 09 - 18 Apr 19
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Prof. Josef Štěpánek
Division of Biomolecular Physics, Faculty of mathematic and physics, Charles University, Prague
Raman spectroscopy study on phosphonate oligonucleotides, and their secondary and tertiary structures including, MD study, ab initio calculation, etc.

Dr. Jiří Homola
Institute of Photonics and Electronics, AS CR, Prague
Surface plasmon resonance study on hybridization of phosphonate oligonucleotides and their interactions with enzymes of nucleic acid metabolism.

Prof. Pierre-Yves Turpin
Laboratoire de Biophysique Moléculaire, Cellulaire et Tissulaire UPMC/CNRS, Paris, Evry
Raman spectroscopy of modified nucleotides and oligonucleotides.

Prof. Marc Lecouvey
Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale Biomoléculaire, UMR/CNRS, Paris, Bobigny
Development of phosphinate mimics of biologically active nucleoside di- and triphosphates.

Prof. Ivan Havlík
University of Wittwatersrand, SAR
Antimalaric agents based on modified nucleosides and nucleoside phosphonic acids.

Dr. Gunther Hartmann
Abteilung für Klinische Pharmakologie, Univ. Munichen
Interactions of CpG motif-containing modified oligonucleotides with TL9 receptor.