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Mucha M., Hrobarik T., Jungwirth P.:
Surface tension from molecular dynamics simulations: Adsorption at the gas-liquid interface.
Israel Journal of Chemistry, 43: 393-397, 2003.

Slavicek P., Jungwirth P., Lewerenz M., Nahler N.H., Farnik M., Buck U.:
Pickup and Photodissociation of Hydrogen Halides in Floppy Neon Clusters.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 107 (39): 7743-7754, 2003.

Salvador P., Curtis J.E., Tobias D.J., Jungwirth P.:
Polarizability of the nitrate anion and its solvation at the air/water interface.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17: 3752-3757, 2003.

Nahler N.H., Baumfalk R., Buck U., Vach H., Slavicek P., Jungwirth P.:
Photodissociation of HBr in and on Arn clusters: the role of the position of the molecule N.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16: 3394-3401, 2003.

Roeselova M., Jungwirth P., Tobias D.J., Gerber R.B.:
Impact, Trapping, and Accommodation of Hydroxyl Radical and Ozone at Aqueous Salt Aerosol Surfaces. A Molecular Dynamics Study.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107 (46): 12690-12699, 2003.

Jungwirth P., Buch V.:
Van der Waals attraction and coalescence of aqueous salt nanodroplets.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communication, 68 (12): 2283-2291, 2003.

Mucha M., Jungwirth P.:
Salt Crystallization from an Evaporating Aqueous Solution by Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107 (33): 8271-8274, 2003.

Jungwirth P.:
Aerosols and the chemistry of the atmosphere (in Czech).
Vesmir, 82 (33): 196, 2003.

Jungwirth P.:
Physical properties and atmospheric reactivity of aqueous sea salt micro-aerosols.
Water in confining geometries (Cluster Physics Series), 277, 2003.

Jungwirth P., Curtis J.E., Tobias D.J.:
Polarizability and aqueous solvation of sulfate dianion.
Chemical Physics Letters, 367 (6): 704, 2003.