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26 September - 2 October 2010
La Valérane- Carqueiranne, France
Aperiodic crystals are long range ordered structures which lack translational invariance. They are found in a large variety of systems (minerals, organic compounds, single element under pressure, oxides, ferro-electrics, intermetallic compounds) and encompass incommensurately modulated structures, incommensurate composites and quasicrystals.
The structure determination of aperiodic crystals and the influence of the aperiodic order on their physical properties have made tremendous progress in recent years. However the high dimensional description and superspace approach used to describe the atomic structure of aperiodic crystal remains difficult to grasp for the non specialist.
This is why the Commission on Aperiodic Crystals and the Commission on Teaching Crystallography of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) have decided to organize a school on Aperiodic Crystals.
The targeted audience is clearly a non-specialist one: Phd students or experienced scientists working in the field of crystallography, chemistry, material science or solid state physic and willing to have a basic understanding of aperiodic crystals.
The school will be organized on 5 days in Carqueiranne, south of France. Experts in the field of aperiodic crystal will give lectures, in a tutorial way and on a step by step basis. The number of participants will be limited to 65 in order to facilitate exchanges.
After an introduction to the high dimensional concept on simple 1D or 2D toy model examples, the basis of the structure determination of aperiodic crystal will be introduced for each class of aperiodic crystals. Various examples will then be presented, together with overviews on phase transitions, phonon and phasons, simulations and aperiodic crystal stability.
Tutorial in small groups (20) will also be organized in order to practice the notion learned in the lectures.
School location
The school will take place in Carqueiranne, on the Mediterranean sea nearby Toulon. The weather is expected to be nice and mild at this season. Housing will be on-site in a 2 star type hotel. Double occupancy will be organized for student participants.
Photo gallery:
Access and practical details:
The school site is easily accessible by train (Toulon, fast TGV train from Paris) or by plane from Marseille airport (about 1h30 train from Marseille airport to Toulon). A shuttle bus will be organised from the Toulon Railway station on the 26 September.
Organisers and sponsors
IUCr commission on Aperiodic crystals under the responsibility of M. de Boissieu (chairman), G. Chapuis and S. van Smaalen, with the support of the IUCr commission on teaching crystallography, the IUCr, CNRS, SIMAP, OUP, UJF XENOCS, OD and C-MAC.
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List of Lecturers
Honorary Guest: Ted Janssen
M. de Boissieu, SIMaP, CNRS, Grenoble, France
Quasicrystal an introduction
Phonon and phason in aperiodic crystals
G. Chapuis, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Introduction to aperiodic crystals
Incommensurately modulated crystal: introduction
Examples of aperiodic structures: Organic compounds
M. Dusek, Institute of Physic Academy of Science of the Czech Republic
Structure refinement with Jana Examples
N. Fujita, IMRAM, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Aperiodic tilings
J. Haderman, University of Antwerp, Belgique
Electron microscopy for the study of incommensuratly modulated and composites structures
S. Lidin, Stockholm University, Sweden
Crystal chemistry of aperiodic crystals
R. Mc Grath, Liverpool University, UK
Aperiodic surfaces
M. Mihalkovic, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovakia
Simulation of aperiodic crystals
O. Perez, Crismat, Caen, France
Structure of modular compounds
M. Perez-Mato, University Bilbao, Spain
Landau theory of phase transitions
S. van Smaalen, Bayreuth University, Germany
Superspace symmetry and superspace group: introduction
Composites structure
Charge density waves
H. Takakura, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Decagonal quasicrystal structure determination
Icosahedral Quasicrystals structure determination
List of topics
(in chronological order)
Introduction to aperiodic crystals (G. Chapuis)
Incommensurately modulated crystal: introduction (G. Chapuis)
Superspace symmetry and superspace group: introduction (S. van Smaalen)
Composites (S. van Smaalen)
Quasicrystals, an introduction (M. de Boissieu)
Aperiodic tilings (N. Fujita)
Structure refinement with Jana Examples (M. Dusek)
Examples: Organic compounds (G. Chapuis)
Tutorial : Three groups of 20. Use of the Jana software for structure determination
Decagonal quasicrystal structure determination (H Takakura)
Charge density waves (S. van Smaalen)
Electron microscopy for the study of incommensuratly modulated and composites structures (J. Hadermann)
Icosahedral Quasicrystals (H. Takakura)
Landau theory of phase transitions (M. Perez-Mato)
Structure of modular compounds (O. Perez)
Tutorial: Three group of 20: modeling quasicrystal structures.
Aperiodic surfaces (R. Mc Grath)
Phonon and Phason in aperiodic crystals (M. de Boissieu)
Simulation of aperiodic crystals (M. Mihalkovic)
Crystal chemistry of aperiodic crystals (Sven Lidin)
Timetable (click on the preview)
Registration and deadlines
The pre-registration deadline has been extended to 10th July.
The deadlive for registration been extended to 10th July.
Registration fees. Registration fees are all inclusive, i.e. they include the school fee, the cost of the hotel and full board, the stay expenses, the gala dinner and excursion. The arrival is on the Sunday 26 September 2010 from 16h and departure on the morning of Saturday 2 October 2010. Housing will be in a 2 star type hotel on the basis of double occupancy for young scientists registration and single occupancy for regular registration.
Dead lines and important dates:
Pre-registration dead line: 15 May 2010
Registration dead line: 15 June 2010
The number of participants is limited to 65. Registration will be on a first come first served basis.
Pre-registration, registration and payment.The registration is in two steps. First pre-register on the web (see links below) in filling the appropriate fields. After a few days, you will receive a confirmation and a link to proceed for final registration. Payment can be made by Credit Card (preferred), bank transfer or invoice.
Registration: on the second screen of the registration procedure, the fields "last name", "address" etc. are only required if you tick the box "someone else or a company pays".
Young Scientists fee: 550 €. Young scientists are graduate students, post-graduate students or post-doctoral fellows with a maximum age of 30. They are eligible to the above reduced fee with the support of the IUCr through a 'young scientist award'.
To apply to the young scientist fees send an e-mail with a brief CV and a support letter from your supervisor to aperiodic.school@simap.grenoble-inp.fr and at the same time pre-register you at this address . After a few days, you will receive a confirmation and a link to proceed for the final registration.
Academic scientists fee: 850 €. Meant for scientists from universities, research centers and non profit organisations. First pre-register you at this address . After a few days, you will receive a confirmation and a link to proceed for the final registration.
Full registration fee: 1400 € First pre-register you at this address . After a few days, you will receive a confirmation and a link to proceed for the final registration.
CNRS employees. The school is sponsored by the 'formation permanente' of the CNRS. If you are a CNRS employee please send an e-mail to aperiodic.school@simap.grenoble-inp.fr indicating your status, laboratory name and pre-register you at this address , choosing invited category. After a few days, you will receive a confirmation and a link to proceed for the final registration.
Virginie Chapays
International School on Aperiodic Crystals
1130 rue de la piscine
BP 75
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex (France)
e-mail: aperiodic.school@simap.grenoble-inp.fr

Tel : 33 (0)4 76 82 65 18
Fax : 33 (0)4 76 82 66 44
IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy Statement. The Organizing Committee of the International School on Aperiodic Crystals shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science. At this International school no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.