Hong Van Le




AddressMathematical  Institute of ASCR
               Zitna 25
              11567  Praha 1
               Czech Republik


Email:    hvle AT math.cas.cz
Tel   :    +420-222090779
Fax  :  +420-222211638

My  publication list at MatSciNet
                                at arXiv

Selected  old  publications in pdf  files

-         Almost complex structures which are compatible with Kaehler or symplectic structures,  Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 15 (1997), 325-334.

-         Cuplength estimates  for symplectic fixed points,  Publ. Newton Inst., 8, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1996, 268-295

-         Symplectic fixed points, the Calabi invariant and Novikov homology, Topology 134 (1995), 155-176

-         Application of integral geometry to minimal surfaces, Int. J. Math. Vol 4 (1993), 89-111

-         Curvature estimate for the volume growth of globally minimal  submanifolds,  Math. Ann. 296 (1993), 103-118

-         Relative calibrations and the problem of stability of minimal surfaces, LNM 1453 (1990),  122-136

-         Minimal  Lagrangian surfaces  in almost Hermitian  manifolds,  Math USSR Sbornik 67 (1990),379-391

-         Jacobi equations on minimal homogeneous submanifolds in homogeneous Riemannian  spaces  Funct. Anal. Appl. 24 (1990), no. 2, 125—135.


Lecture  manuscripts

-         Introduction to algebraic geometry

-         Intorduction to Riemannian geometry

-         Kaehler manifolds and the Hodge conjecture

-        Symplektische Geometrie und Geometrische Quantisierung


Základy algebraické geometrie Matematický ústav, AV ČR

-Seminar of Harmonic analysis & Differential geometry


Other useful links:

- Preprint series of the institute of Mathematics ASCR

 - Talawas (in vietnamese only)