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Department of Molecular Embryology

Distribution of undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells in the phases of the cell cycle as determined by flow cytometry upon visualization of DNA content by propidium iodide staining (A) ... ↓
... and upon metabolic labeling of DNA with BrdU combined with propidium iodide staining (B).
Multipolar mitosis in a human embryonic stem cell suffering from overamplified centrosomes as visualized by indirect immunofluorescence followed by confocal microscopy. Blue – chromosomes, red – microtubules of the mitotic spindle, green – centrosomes.

Current grant support

EU 6th FP, 018739, Platforms for biomedical discovery with human ES cells, ESTOOLS.
Ministry of Education, 1M0538, Center of Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair.
GA CR, 204/09/2044, and MRC International Stem Cell Initiative II.

Selected recent publications

1. Bryja V, Čajánek L, Pacherník J, Hall AC, Horváth V, Dvořák P, Hampl A. (2005) Abnormal development of mouse embryoid bodies lacking p27Kip1 cell cycle regulator. Stem Cells 23: 965–974.
2. Dvořák P, Dvořáková D, Košková T, Vodinská M, Najvirtová M, Krekáč D, Hampl A. (2005) Expression and potential role of fibroblast growth factor 2 and its receptors in human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 23: 1200–1211.
3. Dvořák P, Dvořáková D, Hampl A. (2006) Fibroblast growth factor signaling in embryonic and cancer stem cells. FEBS Lett 580: 2869–2874. PDF file (170 kB)
4. Evsikov AV, Graber JH, Brockman JM, Hampl A, Holbrook AE, Singh P, Eppig JJ, Solter D, Knowles BB. (2006) Cracking the egg: Molecular dynamics and evolutionary aspects of the transition from the fully grown oocyte to embryo. Genes & Dev 20: 2713–2727. PDF file (1.9 MB)
5. Adewumi O, Aflatoonian B, Ahrlund-Richter L, Amit M, Andrews PW, Beighton G, Bello PA, Benvenisty N, Berry LS, Bevan S, Blum B, Brooking J, Chen KG, Choo AB, Churchill GA, Corbel M, Damjanov I, Draper JS, Dvořák P, Emanuelsson K, Fleck RA, Ford A, Gertow K, Gertsenstein M, Gokhale PJ, Hamilton RS, Hampl A, Healy LE, Hovatta O, Hyllner J, Imreh MP, Itskovitz-Eldor J, Jackson J, Johnson JL, Jones M, Kee K, King BL, Knowles BB, Lako M, Lebrin F, Mallon BS, Manning D, Mayshar Y, McKay RD, Michalska AE, Mikkola M, Mileikovsky M, Minger SL, Moore HD, Mummery CL, Nagy A, Nakatsuji N, O’Brien CM, Oh SK, Olsson C, Otonkoski T, Park KY, Passier R, Patel H, Patel M, Pedersen R, Pera MF, Piekarczyk MS, Pera RA, Reubinoff BE, Robins AJ, Rossant J, Rugg-Gunn P, Schulz TC, Semb H, Sherrer ES, Siemen H, Stacey GN, Stojkovic M, Suemori H, Szatkiewicz J, Turetsky T, Tuuri T, van den Brink S, Vintersten K, Vuoristo S, Ward D, Weaver TA, Young LA, Zhang W. (2007) Characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines by the > International Stem Cell Initiative. Nat Biotechnol 25(7): 803–816.
6. Bryja V, Pacherník J, Vondráček J, Souček K, Čajánek L, Horvath V, Holubcová Z, Dvořák P, Hampl A. (2008) Lineage specific composition of cyclin D-CDK4/CDK6-p27 complexes reveals distinct functions of CDK4, CDK6 and individual D-type cyclins in differentiating cells of embryonal origin. Cell Prolif 41: 875–893. PDF file (608 kB)
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