;; Department of Fish Ecology

ASCR > Inst. Vertebrate Biology > Dept. Fish Ecology > People > Janáč > Research Interests


0+ juvenile fish sampling methodology

An increased interest in studies of 0+ fish in the last decade has resulted in a need to find the most suitable sampling methods and strategies for this age category of fish. Though many studies on this topic appeared, there is still a lot of unanswered questions.

Electrofishing and seine netting are probably most preferable sampling gears for 0+ juvenile fish. Considering particular constraints of both techniques (e.g. low efficiency of seine netting in surveying areas with submerged obstacles or problematic use of electrofishing in deep or open waters), we are trying to find appropriate sampling gear for assessing 0+ fish assembladges under paricular conditions.

Point abundance sampling (PAS) strategy is based on principle of collecting numerous small independent sample units producing data that are more statistically robust than data obtained from few large samples. PAS has been used in number of investigations on 0+ fish though some aspects of the strategy, such as to which extent PAS is the true representation of 0+ fish assemblage or how to measure the surveyed area exactly, still have to be clarified (including comparisons with other sampling strategies - e.g. continuous sampling).

Differences in efficiency could appear even within one sampling method, between different techniques (in terms of operation of the equipment). Recently, as a part of my PhD thesis, I investigate the sources of different efficiency of different PAS electrofishing techniques on river beaches and how can behaviour of 0+ fish influence the efficiency of sampling method.

This work is supervised by Pavel Jurajda.