Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

CERN Courier, 7.6.2010.

Jirí Niederle, CERN Council member for...

Physical Review Focus, 4/9/ 2009.

A recently developed material...

CERN Courier, 15/7/2009.

Prague was the setting for CHEP '09,...

The institute history

The history of Institute of Physics is somewhat complicated, because the institute arose out of reconstitution, regroupment and renaming of various research institutions. The institute gets its present shape by merging the Institute of Physics CSAS, the Institute of Solid State Physics CSAS and the Department of Low Temperature Physics (originated from the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Řež near Prague). In the following, we shall mention only the most significant historical milestones.


A new establishment is founded: Institute for Physical Research of the Skoda Factory (IPRSF). Its birth is stimulated by the Skoda factory in Pilsen and the Spectroscopy Institute of the Charles University.


The Laboratory for Nuclear Physics (LNP) is founded.


As a result of nationalisation, the Central Physical Institute (CPI) is founded from the reorganized IPRSF. The director of the institute is J. Bačkovský.


The CPI acquires the premises of the Research Institute of the Czechoslovak Sugar Industry (RISI) in Cukrovarnická street (Prague - Střešovice). These premises, built during 1920-1923, serve up to now.


After establishment of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS) on November 17, 1952, the CPI was renamed the Institute of Technical Physics (ITP). The LNP is included in CSAS as the Laboratory for Nuclear Physics. The first director of LNP is Václav Petržílka. A new Laboratory for Experimental and Theoretical Physics (LETP) CSAS is formed and is headed by Josef Beneš.


The ITP is one of the seven institutes which are the founder members of the CSAS.



The Institute of Physics of the CSAS is established by merging of the Laboratory for Nuclear Physics (LNP) CSAS and the Laboratory for Experimental and Theoretical Physics (LETP) CSAS. The first director of the institute is Čestmír Šimáně.


A part of the Institute of Physics, residing in Hostivař, splits off and forms the basis of the future Institute of Nuclear Physics headed by Č. Šimáně. Luděk Pekárek is appointed the director of the Institute of Physics. The Department of Low Temperature Physics (DLTP) headed by Stanislav Šafrata is formed in Řež near Prague.


Institute of Physics hands over its station for cosmic rays measurements situated at Lomnický peak to the Slovak Academy of Sciences.


The Institute of Technical Physics (ITP) is renamed the Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP). In those days the director is Miroslav Rozsíval.


Institute of Physics moved to the new premises in Pod vodárenskou věží street (Back entrance in Na Slovance street.)


Institute of Physics, ISSP and the Low Temperature Department (LTD) merge. This marks the beginning of the Institute of Physics in its present form. Bohumil Kvasil is appointed the institute director.


The department of the Applied Plasma Physics of the Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP) is incorporated into Institute of Physics.


New management of Institute of Physics is formed as a consequence of the "velvet revolution". The new director is Svatopluk Krupička.


The LTD leaves Řež and moves to Troja where the Joint Laboratory of Low Temperatures (together with Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry AS CR) is formed. The Institute of Physics and the Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR establish a new laboratory: the Research Centre PALS (Prague Asterix Laser System) equipped with a giant iodine laser.


Starting from 1 January 2007 the Institute of Physics is granted the status of a public research institution in the sense of the Act No. 341/2005 Coll.

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