Ivo Bayer, M.A.

Place of employment:
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
222 221 662
Highest completed education

1984-1990 Studies of sociology (major subject), politology and new history (minor subjects) at the University of Münster / Germany (M.A. work on „Corruption in Soviet Pattern Societies,“ gaining an M.A. on February 6, 1990)

1978-1983 Studies of Sociology at the University of Prague (diploma work on „Mass Culture and Democratization of Culture“, gaining a diploma in Sociology on May 26, 1983)

1975-1979 Theory of Culture at the University of Prague (diploma work on the „Origin of the Culture,“ gaining a diploma in the Theory of Culture on July 3, 1973)


Field of specialisation
He concentrates on the research of the social and cultural cohesion in the Czech Republic and of social policy impact
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