Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Institute and media

CERN Courier, 7.6.2010.

Jirí Niederle, CERN Council member for...

Physical Review Focus, 4/9/ 2009.

A recently developed material...

CERN Courier, 15/7/2009.

Prague was the setting for CHEP '09,...

Research subjects at department 52

Die chemischen Wirkungen der Röntgenstrahlen kommen auf ganz andere Weise zustande als die chemischen Wirkungen des Lichtes. [J. Eggert: Lehrbuch der Physikalischen Chemie in Elementarer Darstellung. Sechste Auflage, S. Hirzel, Leipzig; Seite 654]

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Single ≤1 kJ pulses from a high-power laser are focused into molecular gases to create large laser sparks [1-5]. This provides a unique way to mimic the chemical effects of high-energy-density events in planetary atmospheres (cometary impact, lightning) matching the natural energy-density and plasma-volume scaling of such events in a fully-controlled laboratory environment.  The full text >>

The research in the field of x-ray spectroscopic diagnosis of hot dense plasma is based primarily on high-resolution spectrometers [1, 2] developed in the Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i. Current efforts concentrate to two main areas.

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X-ray fluorescence holography with atomic resolution is a promising tool for imaging of local atomic structures in materials without translational periodicity (e.g. small clusters of atoms or moleculas). However, this holographic method suffers from serious drawbacks (low signal-to-noise ratio in measured holograms, virtual atoms and strong artefacts in reconstructed images).  The full text >>

The electron phase space evolution in a non-relativistic and homogeneous laser plasma generated by a nanosecond laser in a near infrared region in the presence of stimulated Raman scattering is investigated by a numerical simulation. The mechanism of electron acceleration in the potential wells of the plasma wave accompanying the Raman back-scattering is analyzed in a 1D Vlasov-Maxwell model. The dominant wave modes are both the backward and the forward propagating Raman waves, each accompanied by a daughter electrostatic wave.  The full text >>

Investigated with a financial support of the US Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AF Base, NM, USA, via the Grant of the USAF EOARD (European Office for Aerospace Research and Development) (see Projects)

Experimental and theoretical research on discharge generation of atomic iodine (Discharge Atomic Iodine Generator) for a COIL (Chemical Oxygen-Iodine L

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Investigated with a financial support of the US Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AF Base, NM, USA, via the Grant of the USAF EOARD (European Office for Aerospace Research and Development) (see Projects)

Experimental and theoretical research on a centrifugal spray generator of singlet oxygen (Centrifugal Spray Singlet Oxygen Generator) for a COIL (Chemical Oxygen-

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Investigated with a financial support of the Grant GA ČR (see Projects)

Experimental and theoretical research on discharge generator of singlet (Discharge Singlet Oxygen Generator) for a DOIL (Discharge Oxygen-Iodine Laser)

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