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Structure and Dynamics of Solar Atmosphere

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Observations and astronomical pictures

SunspotOur first own image acquired at the new 1-m Solar Swedish Telescope, La Palma, Canary Islands. Sunspot NOAA 0456 observed on 12 September 2003 in blue light (450 nm). The spatial resolution is better than 140 km on the solar surface.
Observers: M. Sobotka and A. Hanslmeier (IGAM, University in Graz, Austria).

SunspotAnother image from the same observing period: Sunspot NOAA 0459 observed on 19 September 2003. The image is p rocessed to enhance the contrast of small features.

SunspotThis image was taken in blue light on 18 June 2004 during our second observing campaign at the SST, La Palma. Sunspot NOAA 0634 shows a rich penumbral structure with bright filaments and penumbral grains - bright "drops" at the ends of the filaments.
Observers: M. Sobotka, K. Puschmann (Univ. Goettingen), and C. Moestl (Univ. Graz).

MOVIES (mpeg) of the umbra of sunspot NOAA 0634 in red light around 602 nm, covering 90 minutes of evolution:
Raw movie of the umbra composed of aligned, destretched and subsonic-filtered images.
Movie with subtracted large-scale intensity variations in the umbra to enhance small-scale umbral features.
Related papers:
Fine structure in a dark umbra, 2007 [PDF, 140 KB]
Kinematics of umbral fine structure, CEAB 32 (2008) 1, 125-132 [PDF, 280 KB]

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