Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Institute and media

CERN Courier, 7.6.2010.

Jirí Niederle, CERN Council member for...

Physical Review Focus, 4/9/ 2009.

A recently developed material...

CERN Courier, 15/7/2009.

Prague was the setting for CHEP '09,...

Seminars of department 15

No seminars announced.

Past seminars

Monday, 24. May 2010 - 16:00 - 17:00

A theory of the anomalous Hall conductivity based on the properties of single site orbitals is presented. Effect of the finite electron life time is modeled by energy fluctuations of atomic-like orbitals. Transition from the ideal Bloch system for which the conductivity is determined by the Berry phase curvatures to the case of strong disorder for which the conductivity becomes dependent on the relaxation time is analyzed…

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Friday, 19. March 2010 - 13:15 - 14:30

Magnetické kapaliny (ferrofluidy) a magnetické gely jsou suspenze magnetických nanočástic v oleji, ve vodě anebo v gelu, které mají mnoho aplikací již dnes a slibné vyhlídky do budoucna. Když na vzorek takového magnetického materiálu působí magnetické pole, jeho povrch se mění. Koule z této látky se deformuje v elipsoid a na povrchu tlusté vrstvy ferrofluidu vznikají různé makroskopické vzory, tekuté špičky a válce, viz tzv. Rosenzweigova nestabilita (viz obrázek).

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Wednesday, 3. March 2010 - 9:00 - 11:00

Semiclassical Monte Carlo methods have been widely used for carrier transport simulations in microelectronic devices. In the Monte Carlo device simulations the charge carriers are replaced by particles whose semiclassical dynamics is determined by the band structure of the semiconductor. Such an approach is justified for describing the transport at the length scales of realistic devices, where the quantum interference effects are less important.

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Thursday, 25. February 2010 - 10:00 - 11:00

The pursuit of the second-generation spintronics has been focused on harnessing coherent spin states and their dynamics in metals and semiconductors. The salient examples of phenomena involving both coherent spins and their time evolution is the spin-transfer torque and its reciprocal effect, termed spin pumping because it occurs in the absence on any bias voltage, where microwave driven precessing magnetization of a single ferromagnetic (FM) layer emits pure spin current into adjacent normal metal (N) layers.

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