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Ivo "Zrzek" NEZBEDA


Distinguished Scientist, Academy of Sciences
Professor of Theoretical Physics, Charles University

E. Hala Laboratory of Thermodynamics
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals
Academy of Sciences
Rozvojova 135
165 02 Prague 6 - Suchdol

E-mail: ivonez@icpf.cas.cz
Phone: +420-220390-296; ...-289
Facsimile: +420-220920661


Chemistry Department
Faculty of Science
J. E. Purkinje University
Ceske mladeze 8
400 96 Usti n. L.

Phone: +420-47528-3377 or +420-47528-3281 (secretary)
Facsimile: +420-47528-3281

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Fields of Activity: [for further details see Home Page of the Theoretical Research Group]

Last update: June 1, 2007