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Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry opens new PhD positions.

Cytogenetic mapping of small grain cereals genome

(deadline for apllications: 3.5.2010)

The research project ‘Genomics for Triticeae Improvement’ of the EU Framework Program 7 focuses on the development of genomic tools and on the isolation of genes and markers from the group 1 and 3 chromosomes in wheat and barley. An important part of the project is the construction of physical maps for the selected chromosomes. PhD student will be responsible for development of cytogenetic strategies suitable for confirming BAC contig order and orientation. The student will develop tools for identification of ‘low-copy’ sequences in BAC contigs and their localization on individual chromosomes using FISH. A stay at University of Missouri (USA) is foreseen to discuss the strategies with Prof. Birchler, a leader in plant cytogenetic mapping.
Supervisor: Jan Bartoš


Construction of physical map of wheat chromosome arm 7DS and its use for positional cloning

(deadline for apllications: 3.5.2010)

The research project ‘Physical Mapping of the Wheat’ aims to develop sequence-ready physical maps of Aegilops tauschii, the diploid ancestor of the wheat D genome, and evaluate their utility for the construction of physical maps of the wheat D-genome chromosomes. PhD student will be responsible for construction of an integrated physical map of a wheat chromosome arm 7DS. Anchoring of the physical map using various strategies will be a substantial part of the project. The constructed physical map will be employed to identify a Diuraphis noxia resistance gene by the method of positional cloning. A stay at University of California (USA) is foreseen to get acquainted with high-throughput methods for anchoring BAC contigs to genetic map.
Supervisor: Hana Šimková


Positional cloning of gene for adult plant resistance to powdery mildew in wheat

(deadline for apllications: 3.5.2010)

Infection of wheat by fungus B. graminis is causing powdery mildew disease. Recently, non-race-specific powdery mildew resistance gene QPm.tut-4A was mapped on distal end of long arm of wheat chromosome 4A. The main objective of this international project is cloning of the powdery mildew resistance gene QPm.tut-4A. PhD student will be responsible for construction of high – density genetic and physical map of the QPm.tut-4A gene locus as a foundation for cloning the gene. Broad range of genetic and genomic methods as construction subgenomic BAC libraries, marker development, using of mapping populations, marker assisted selection; genome comparative analysis will be used. The work will be done in collaboration with European research laboratories and a stay at John Innes Institute (UK) is foreseen to develop high density genetic map of the locus of interest.
Supervisor: Miroslav Valárik


Physical map of the wheat chromosome 4AL and positional cloning of a gene for yield

(deadline for apllications: 3.5.2010)

The aim of the project is to perform the first steps towards the cloning the gene(s) for yield in wheat, recently described as QTL Qyie-4A-bga on chromosome arm 4AL. This QTL is particularly stable in different environments and contributes between 5 and 17% of the phenotypic variation observed for thousand kernel weight. PhD student will be responsible for development of physical map of chromosome arm 4AL and identification of minimal tilling path(s) of BAC contigs linked to the region(s) of interest. The local contig will be sequenced and used for development of new markers and identification of candidate genes. A stay at University of North Dakota (USA) is foreseen to develop radiation hybrid mapping panel for anchoring of the physical map.
Supervisor: Jaroslav Doležel