Application and Fees

About Abstract

If you wish to present your paper, please send us abstract containing the following information:

1) Author(s), incl. Institutional Affiliation(s)
2) Title of Paper
3) Content Structure
4) Main Hypotheses
5) Summarized Methodology
6) Main Conclusion(s)

Abstract should NOT contain more than 900 words.

Abstracts should be emailed as an attachment using word format to


Application Procedure

Applications should include:

  1. a CV of the candidate-participant
  2. a brief description of her/his research: please send an abstract including the main research questions and hypotheses, the sociological context and theoretical perspectives, the research design and methods used. Please try to limit your abstract to 1,000 words (or about 8,000 characters with spaces).
  3. a letter of recommendation of the supervisor of the Ph.D candidate.
Deadline for application: April 28, 2006 (postmark)
Due to the decision to open the summer school also for other relevant topics,  the new deadline for application has been postponed  to June 10, 2006.


Selected participants will be notified before June 15, 2006 of the outcome of their application. Successful applications will have to submit their papers before August 1, 2006.


How to submit applications:

Please email your CV and abstract by the postmark deadline to Blanka Javorová at


Please have your letter of recommendation sent by post to

Blanka Javorová

Institute of Sociology

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Jilska 1,

110 00 Prague 1

Czech Republic


Accommodation and fees

One of the unique aspects of the summer school is that both faculty and students will be housed at the same location, facilitating an informal but engaged environment for all participants. The cost for the Summer School will be 400 Euro, which includes fees, accommodation (in 2-person bedrooms), lunches, and dinners. For a one-person bedroom an extra € 170,-- must be added. These costs do not include travel expenses to Prague, which you should plan on your own. Students who intend to present a paper are preferred. Students form Eastern or Central Europe who wish to apply for grants, should mention this in the accompanying letter or e-mail.


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