May 16th we celebrated 50 years from the moment when Theodor Maiman lighted up the first laser. In our country we succeeded shortly after. In Czechoslovakia, the laser was successfully constructed in three independent labs within several weeks in spring 1963. One of the lasers was built in our institute. We achieved also other important results in this area.
Popularization articles for this anniversary (in Czech): [PDF]
Record accurate time signal transfer via Internet:
A Czech-Austrian experiment took place on March 1 and 2 which compared the time scales of atomic clocks in Prague and Vienna using an optical link. The experiment was performed in cooperation with CESNET. A measurement uncertainty of less than one nanosecond was achieved. It is more than likely that an international transfer of a time signal over an optical line spanning a comparable distance and with a comparable accuracy has not yet been performed anywhere else in the world. The experiment indicated the type of real-time applications the future Internet will be suitable for.
Press release (in Czech): [HTML]
V rámci 8. ročníku soutěže Česká hlava byla udělena cena INVENCE, Kapsch a.s. vedoucímu sekce fotoniky ÚFE Doc. Ing. Jiřímu Homolovi, CSc., DSc.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2009:
Charles K. Kao (50%) "for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication" and Willard S. Boyle a George E. Smith (50%) "for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor".
Popularization articles on optical fibers (in Czech): [PDF]
Current information about the Crisis of Czech Science
- 20th - 22nd September 2010:
20th Czech-German WorkShop on Speech Processing - 22nd - 27th May 2011:
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
Chaberska 57, 18251 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 284 681 804, Fax: +420 284 680 222, Email:
IČ: 67985882, DIČ: CZ67985882