Mgr. Jan Maršálek
Domains of interest
Philosophy and History of Sciences; History of Sociology; Sociology and Philosophy; Political Philosophy; 19th century: France, Great Britain.
2008-?: PhD student at the Université de Franche-Comté (philosophy) and Charles University, Faculty of Social sciences (sociology). Title of the thesis prepared: „Back to the political spirit of sociology at its outcome. The theory of social contract in the sociological thought of the 19th century.“
2005-2008: Student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS-Ulm), Department of Philosophy, France. Research Director: Mr. Marc Crépon.
2005-2008: Student at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales (EHESS), France, specialization « Political Studies ». Research Director: Mr. Vincent Descombes. Master degree achieved in 2008. Research Theme: The Psychology at the outcome of the Sociology: Durkheim and Tarde.“
2001 – 2006: Student of Sociology at the Charles University in Prague - Faculty of Social Sciences, Czech Republic. Master Degree achieved in 2006.
2003 – 2005: Student of Philosophy at the Charles University in Prague - Faculty of Philosophy, Czech Republic.
2000-2002: Student of Sociology at the Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, France. DEUG of Sociology (2002).
Maršálek, Jan. “From Political Philosophy to Sociology: A General Hypothesis for Durkheim’s Readers.” In: Z. Kusá, M. Tížik (eds.) – Elementárne formy sociologického myslenia, Sociologický ústav SAV, Bratislava 2009. (in Czech)
Maršálek, Jan. “Claude Lévi-Strauss’s Inspiration in Sociology: Baudrillard’s Theory of the Consumer Society.” Teorie vědy / Theory of Science, XXXI/1 (2009), pp. 141-159. (in Czech)
Maršálek, Jan. “Émile Durkheim and the So-Called Hobbes’ Problem of Order: What Lies Beneath the ‘First Sociological Myth’?“ Teorie vědy/Theory of Science (Praha), vol. 30 (3/4), 2008: 161-184 (in Czech).
Maršálek, Jan. « La sociologie en République tchèque » in L. Krichewsky, O. Milhaud, L. Pettinaroli, M. Scot (eds.) : Guide de l’étudiant européen en sciences sociales. Editions Belin, Paris 2007, pp. 272-280. (for general public, in French)
Maršálek, Jan. “Man and History – Which Way Out? Aron’s Answer to the Scepticism of Historical Relativism”, Czech Sociological Review, vol. 41 (2005): 4, pp. 823-840 (in Czech).
Maršálek, Jan. “Planning in the Central Committee of the Czechoslovakian Communist Party – Game or Failure?” in Jiri Kabele (ed.): Interpretations of Governance in a Real Socialism. Matfyz Press, Prague 2002, pp. 137-142 (in Czech).
Conferences and public talks
“Cl. Lévi-Strauss and Sociology: Baudrillard’s Theory of the Consumer Society.” – Between Anthropology and Philosophy. Claude Lévi-Strauss’ 100th Birthday Conference, Charles University/Czech Academy of Sciences/National Museum, Prague, 11 December 2008.
“From Political Philosophy to Sociology – a General Hypothesis for Durkheim’s Readears” – Elementary Forms of Sociological Thought Conference, Slovakian Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 15-16 May 2008.
“About Aron’s Philosophy of Action” - Raymond Aron (1905-1983) Comference, French Research Centre in Social Sciences (CEFRES), Prague, 26 October 2005.
Grants, Fellowships
2008-2011: „Allocataire de recherche“,Université de Franche-Comté, ED n° 38 LETS.
2005-2008: „International Selection Fellowship“, École normale supérieure, Paris.
Courses taught
2009/2010: Charles University in Prague – Institute of Sociological Studies:
Readings in French Contemporary Sociology
Readings in Classical Sociology
Auguste Comte’s philosophy and anthropology
Readings in French Contemporary Sociology
Readings in Classical Sociology
Auguste Comte’s philosophy and anthropology