Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. i.
Medium-sized research center which main purpose is to gain, interpret and integrate the knowledge of the Earth System.
Reconstruction of historical change in mercury deposition recorded in tree rings and tree bark pockets
Paleomagnetism & geochemistry of volcanic rocks: Implications to palaeosetting and development of the Prague Basin (Late Ordovician – Early Devonian)
Behaviour of geochemici „twins“ Al/Ga and Si/Ge in different type sof acid silicite melts
Small mammals at time of the middle Pliocene faunal turnover: aspects of faunal and phenotypic rearrangements in Central Europe
Lacustrine and Coal Deposits of the Sokolov Basin, Eger Graben, as an Archive of Miocene Continental Paleoenvironments, Paleoclimate and Tectonics
Trace elements in igneous quartz – frozen information about silicite melt evolution
Upper mantle beneath neovolcanic zone of the Bohemian Massif: xenoliths and their host basalts
We propose a complex and spatially extensive study of lithospheric upper mantle of the Bohemian Massif, based on peridotite xenoliths and their host basalts. Chemical, Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic, and microfabric analyses performed on large suite of samples will show the 3-D or 4-D variation of composition, metasomatic transformation, deformation, and seismic properties of the upper mantle beneath the 500km long zone of Cenozoic neovolcanics. The results will bring basic knowledge on physico-chemical properties of the upper mantle in the Bohemian Massif, which is largely missing. The neovolcanic zone studied includes two tectonic domains with clear differences of their lithospheric structures: the Ohře Rift and the Labe/Odra Zone. The proposed research is expected to shed light on processes which led to quasi-synchronous volcanism in such contrasting regions. The spatial variations of the studied parameters of the basalts and xenoliths can indicate the interference between the Variscan terrane architecture, upper mantle structure/composition and neovolcanism.