Journal of Cell Science

A cell cycle regulated MAP kinase with a possible role in cytokinesis in tobacco cells.

Calderini, O., Bögre, L., Vicente, O., Binarová, P., Heberle-Bors, E., and Wilson, C.
JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 111 : 3091-3100 , 1998
Klíčová slova:

A plant cyclin B2 is degraded early in mitosis and its ectopic expression shortens G2-phase and alleviates the DNA-damage checkpoint.

Weingartner M., Pelayo H. R., Binarova P., Zwerger K., Melikant B., de la Torre C., Heberle-Bors E., Bögre L.
JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 116 : 487-498 , 2003
Klíčová slova: Cyclin B, Mitosis, Checkpoint, Plant development
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