D e p a r t m e n t o f M a g n e t i s m a n d L o w T e m p e r a t u r e s S i t e T r o j a |
Weak SuperconductivityZ. Janu, F. Soukup Investigation of magnetic properties of superconductors by SQUID magnetometers. The goal of our work is to understand to the magnetic properties of superconductors in the low-field region of H-T phase diagram. These properties are studied from temperature dependencies of dc magnetisation, ac susceptibility, M-H measurements and relaxation processes. |
Superfluidity and quantum turbulenceT. Chagovets, F. Soukup Flow properties of superfluid He II (stability of oscillating boundary layer flow) and quantum turbulence (temporal decay of counterflow turbulence) above 1.3 K are studied using second sound attenuation technique. Flows of rotating superfluid 3He phases and of He II in zero temperature limit are investigated in collaboration with Finland and UK. Experiments on high Rayleigh number cryogenic thermal convection are under preparation. |
Joint Laboratory for Magnetic StudiesJ. Sebek, A. Andreev, E. Santava The experimental equipment of the laboratory enables a study of a wide spectrum of magnetic and transport properties of solids, mainly of intermetallic compounds of the RTX, UTX, RT2X2, RCo2, RCu2, R2T17,U2T17, UFe2 type (where R stands for rare earth, T is transition metal and X denotes p-element), of the materials modified by various substitutions, and of van Vleck paramagnets under extremal conditions and superconductors in broad temperature range 0.35-350 K, magnetic fields up to 14 T and hydrostatic pressures up to 2 GPa. |
Mössbauer spectroscopyK. Zaveta, A. Lancok Mössbauer studies of systems that include nanoparticles of Fe compounds and alloys – nanocomposites of SiO2 type lattice with embedded particles of various crystallographic modifications of Fe2O3 or spinel structure ferrites MFe2O4 (where M=Co, Ni, Zn, Cd, Cu a Mn). Nanogranullar systems prepared by controlled crystallization of amorphous (i.e., metastable) Fe compounds produced by fast cooling processes. |
M a i n t a i n e d b y M i c h a l R a m e s (ramesm@fzu.cz) Last update: Aug 25 2010 2010 © Dept. of Magnetism and Low Temperatures |