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           GA2LEN/EAACI Summer Course
                 Prague, Czech Republic
           September 10th - 14th, 2005

                                                                                         see    www.eaaci.net


                     Main Theme
                        “Allergy – from Basic Immunology to Clinical Care”

                      Programme at a glance

                         Saturday     Sunday           Monday            Tuesday          Wednesday
08.30-10.30                         Session I         Session IV        Session VI       Session IX
10.30-11.00                         Coffee             Coffee              Coffee             Coffee
11.00-13.00                         Session II        Session V         Session VII      Session X
13.00-14.00                         Lunch              Lunch   13.30   Lunch             Lunch
14.00-16.00                         Session III       Break-Out        Session III       Departures

Evening           20.00               18.00                                               

                        Welcome      Boat cruise        Free evening    Traditional dinner       
                       Dinner          with dinner                                 with entertainment


Full Scientific Programme



Social programme: Welcome Reception



Session 1: Epidemiology
Chair: Anthony Frew

* The paradigm of allergy prevention revisited
(Magnus Wickman, Sweden)
* Early immunological events in allergy development
(Harald Renz, Germany)
* Allergy-environment interactions – the hygiene hypothesis
(Roger Lauener, Switzerland)

Session II: Induction of allergy
Chair: Thilo Jakob

* Pollen as allergen carriers and immune regulators
(Thilo Jakob, Germany)
* Outdoor and indoor allergens
(Adnan Custovic, UK)
* Diagnosis of allergy
(Marianna Van Hage, Sweden)
* Molecular mechanisms of mast cell activation
(Petr Draber, Czech Republic)
* Infection and Allergy
(Roger Lauener, Switzerland)

Session III: Inflammation in allergy
Chair: Jan Lötvall

* Dendritic cells
(Thilo Jakob - Germany)
* T-cell regulation
(Cezmi Akdis, Switzerland)
* Eosinophils and neutrophils
(Hans-Uwe Simon, Switzerland)
* Mastcells and basophils
(Torsten Zuberbier, Germany)

Social Programme: Boat cruise with dinner


Session IV: Inflammation in allergy
Chair: Hans-Uwe Simon

* Allergic inflammation and immunology – an overview
(Zuzana Diamant, The Netherlands)
* Mechanisms of sensitisation vs maintenance of allergy
(Harald Renz, Germany)
* The role of Apoptosis in allergic inflammation 
(Cezmi Akdis, Switzerland)
* The role of cell regeneration in allergic inflammation 
(Jan Lötvall, Sweden)
* Remodelling in airway and skin allergy
(Ulrike Raap, Germany)

Session V: tbc
TBC: CEFCAP interactive session – (Jacques Gayraud)

Break out Sessions: Monday afternoon
* Faculty are divided around 10 tables
* Interaction with attendees
* Meet the professor discussions, students should bring their own data

Social Programme: Free evening for participants



Session VI: Immunotherapy
Chair: Cezmi Akdis

* Clinical aspects of immunotherapy
(Petr Panzner, Czech Republic)
* Mechanisms of immunotherapy
(Anthony Frew, United Kingdom)
* T-regulatory cells, allergy and specific immunotherapy - A question of balance and antigen-specificity
(Mübeccel Akdis, Switzerland)

Session VII: Atopic Dermatitis
Chair: Paul van Cauwenberge

* Intrinsic and extrinsic forms of AD
(P Schmid-Grendelmeier, Switzerland)
* Inflammatory cells in AD
(Torsten Zuberbier, Germany)
* New roles for mechanisms in atopic dermatitis
(Ulrike Raap, Germany)

Session VIII: Rhinitis
Chair: Jan Lötvall

* Pathophysiology in Rhinitis and Rhinosinusitis
(Paul van Cauwenberge, Belgium)
* Linking rhinitis to other atopic diseases
(Marek Kowalski, Poland)
* Treating rhinitis now and in the future
(Paul van Cauwenberge, Belgium)

Social Programme: Traditional Czech dinner with entertainment


Session IX: Asthma
Chair: Marek Kowalski

* Diagnosis and clinical aspects of asthma
(Petr Pohunek, Czech Republic)
* Inflammation and remodelling in asthma
(Jan Lötvall, Sweden)
* Bronchial hyperresponsiveness
(Petr Panzner, Czech Republic)
* Current and future treatments of asthma
(Marek Kowalski, Poland)

Session X: Clinical allergy topics
Chair: Paul van Cauwenberge

* Food allergy; prevalence, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
(Carsten Bindslev-Jensen)
* Drug allergies - from urticaria to asthma
(Marek Kowalski, Poland)
* Insect venom allergies
(Petr Kucera, Czech Republic)
* Immune deficiencies
(Anna Sediva, Czech Republic)

