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Publications in 2007

2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

Brühl H., Cihak J., Plachý J., Kunz-Schughart L., Niedermeier M., Denzel A., Rodriguez Gomez M., Talke Y., Luckow B., Stangassinger M., Mack M. (2007): Targeting of Gr-1+,CCR2+ monocytes in collagen-induced arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 56(9): 2975-85.
Bubenik, J. (2007): Gene therapy of cancer by vaccines carrying inserted immunostimulatory genes. Folia Biol. (Praha) 53, 71-3.
Carey, J., Brynda, J., Wolfova, J., Grandori, R., Gustavsson, T., Ettrich, R., and Smatanova, I.K. (2007): WrbA bridges bacterial flavodoxins and eukaryotic NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductases. Protein Sci. 16, 2301-5.

Coupel, S., Moreau, A., Hamidou, M., Horejsi, V., Soulillou, J.P., and Charreau, B. (2007): Expression and release of soluble HLA-E is an immunoregulatory feature of endothelial cell activation. Blood 109, 2806-14.

Davis,  W. C., Drbal, K., Mosaad, A. E., Elbagory, A. R., Tibary, A., Barrington, G. M., Park, Y. H., and Hamilton, M. J. (2007): Use of flow cytometry to identify monoclonal antibodies that recognize conserved epitopes on orthologous leukocyte differentiation antigens in goats, lamas, and rabbits. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 119, 123-30.

Draber, P., Draberova, L., Heneberg, P., Smid, F., Farghali, H., and Draber, P. (2007): Preformed STAT3 transducer complexes in human HepG2 cells and rat hepatocytes. Cell Signal. 19, 2400-12.

Draberova, L., Shaik, G.M., Volna, P., Heneberg, P., Tumova, M., Lebduska, P., Korb, J., and Draber, P. (2007): Regulation of Ca2+ signaling in mast cells by tyrosine-phosphorylated and unphosphorylated non-T cell activation linker. J. Immunol. 179, 5169-80.

Drábková, L. and Vlček, Č. (2007):  The phylogenetic position of Oxychloe (Juncaceae): evidence from morphology, nuclear and plastid DNA regions. Taxon 56, 95-102.
Flachs, P., Sponarova, J., Kopecky, P., Horvath, O., Sediva, A., Nibbelink, M., Casteilla, L., Medrikova, D., Neckar, J., Kolar, F., and Kopecky, J. (2007). Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 gene transcript levels are elevated in maturating erythroid cells. FEBS Lett. 581, 1093-7.

Fujimura, N., Vacík, T., Machoň, O., Vlček, Č., Scalabrin, S., Speth, M., Diep, D., Krauss, S. and Kozmik, Z. (2007). Wnt-mediated down-regulation of Sp1 target genes by a transcriptional repressor Sp5. J Biol Chem 282, 1225-37.

Gregoire, C., Simova, S., Wang, Y., Sansoni, A., Richelme, S., Schmidt-Giese, A., Simeoni, L., Angelisova, P., Reinhold, D., Schraven, B., Horejsi, V., Malissen, B. and Malissen, M. (2007). Deletion of the LIME adaptor protein minimally affects T and B cell development and function.Eur. J. Immunol. 37: 3259-69.

Grosshans H. and Svoboda P. (2007). miRNA, siRNA, piRNA – Kleine Wiener Ribonukleinsauren. Bioessays. 29, 940-3.

Homolka, D., Ivanek, R., Capkova, J., Jansa, P., and Forejt, J. (2007). Chromosomal rearrangement interferes with meiotic X chromosome inactivation. Genome Res. 17, 1431-7.

Hong, H., Kitaura, J., Xiao, W., Horejsi, V., Ra, C., Lowell, C.A., Kawakami, Y., and  Kawakami, T. (2007). The Src family kinase Hck regulates mast cell activation by suppressing an inhibitory Src family kinase Lyn. Blood 110, 2511-9.

Hrebícek, M., Jirásek, T., Hartmannová, H., Nosková, L., Stránecký, V., Ivánek, R., Kmoch, S., Cebecauerová, D., Vítek, L., Mikulecký, M., Subhanová, I., Hozák, P. and Jirsa, M. (2007): Rotor-type hyperbilirubinaemia has no defect in the canalicular bilirubin export pump. Liver Int. 27, 485-91.

Janderova-Rossmeislova, L., Novakova, Z., Vlasakova, J. Phillmonenko, V., Hozak, P., and Hodny, Z. (2007). PML protein association with specific nucleolar structures differs in normal, tumor and senescent human cells. J. Struct. Biol. 159, 56-70.

Jirkovska, M., Majer, F., Smidova, J., Stritesky, J., Shaik, G.M., Draber, P., Vitek, L., Marecek, Z. and Smid, F. (2007). Changes in GM1 ganglioside content and localization in cholestatic rat liver. Glycoconj. J. 24, 231-41.

Jonák, J. (2007). Bacterial elongation factors EF-Tu, their mutants, chimeric forms, and domains: Isolation and purification. J. Chromatogr. B Analyt. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci. 849, 141-53.

Kahle, M., Pridalova, J., Spacek, M., Dzijak, R. and Hozák, P. (2007). Nuclear myosin is ubiquitously expressed and evolutionary conserved in vertebrates. Histochem.Cell Biol. 127, 139-148.

Kalina, J., Senigl, F., Micakova, A., Mucksova, J., Blazkova, J., Yan, H., Poplstein, M., Hejnar, J., and Trefil, P. (2007). Retrovirus-mediated in vitro gene transfer into chicken male germ line cells. Reproduction 134, 445-53.

Karafiat, V., Dvorakova, M.,  Pajer, P., Cermak, V. and Dvorak, M. (2007). Melanocyte fate in neural crest is triggered by Myb proteins through activation of c-kit. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 64, 2975-84.

Kašpar, P. and Dvořák, M. (2007). Involvement of phosphatidylserine externalization in the down-regulation of c-myb expression in differentiating C2C12 cells. Differentiation. Epub Oct. 9, 2007.

Katsetos, C.D., Dráberová, E., Šmejkalová, B., Reddy, G., Bertrand, L., de Chadarevian, J.P., Legido, A., Nissanov, J., Baas, P.W. and Dráber, P. (2007). Class III beta-tubulin and gamma-tubulin are co-expressed and form complexes in human glioblastoma cells. Neurochem Res. 32, 1387-98.

Kitaura, J., Kawakami, Y., Maeda-Yamamoto, M., Horejsi, V., and Kawakami, T. (2007).  Dysregulation of Src family kinases in mast cells from epilepsy-resistant ASK versus epilepsy-prone EL mice. J. Immunol. 178, 455-62.

Kožíšek, M., Bray, J., Řezáčová, P., Šašková, K., Brynda, J., Pokorná, J., Mammano, F., Rulíšek, L. and Konvalinka, J. (2007). Molecular analysis of the HIV-1 resistance development: enzymatic activities, crystal structures, and thermodynamics of nelfinavir-resistant HIV protease mutants. J. Mol. Biol. 374, 1005-16.

Kozmik, Z., Holland, N.D., Kreslova, J., Oliveri, D., Schubert, M., Jonasova, K., Holland, L.Z., Pestarino, M., Benes, V. and Candiani, S. (2007). Pax-Six-Eya-Dach network during amphioxus development: conservation in vitro but context specificity in vivo. Dev. Biol. 306, 143-59.

Kreslova, J., Machon, O., Ruzickova, J., Lachova, J., Wawrousek, E. F., Kemler, R., Krauss, S., Piatigorsky, J. and Kozmik, Z. (2007). Abnormal lens morphogenesis and ectopic lens formation in the absence of beta-catenin function. Genesis  45, 157-68.

Kubista, M., Sjogreen, B., Forootan, A., Šindelka, R., Jonák, J. and Andrade, J.M. (2007). Real-time PCR gene expression profiling. Eur. Pharmacol. Rev. 1, 56-60.

Kuznetsov, Y.G., Ulbrich, P., Haubová, S., Ruml, T. and McPherson, A. (2007).  Atomic Force microscopy investigation of Mason-Pfizer monkey virus and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reassembled particles. Virology 360, 434-446.

Lebduska, P., Korb, J., Tumova, M., Heneberg, P. and Draber, P. (2007). Topography of signaling molecules as detected by electron microscopy on plasma membrane sheets isolated from non-adherent mast cells. J. Immunol. Methods. 328: 139-151.

Machon, O., Backman, M., Machonova, O., Kozmik, Z., Vacik, T., Andersen, L. and Krauss, S. (2007). A dynamic gradient of Wnt signaling controls initiation of neurogenesis in the mammalian cortex and cellular specification in the hippocampus. Dev. Biol. 311: 223-37. 

Maletínská, L., Maixnerová, J., Matyšková, R., Haugvicová, R., Šloncová, E., Elbert, T., Slaninová, J. and Železná, B. (2007). Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide specific binding in pheochromocytoma cells. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 559 (2-3): 109-14.

Masek, T., Vopalensky, V., Horvath, O., Vortelova, L., Feketova, Z. and Pospisek M. (2007). Hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry site initiates protein synthesis at the authentic initiation codon in yeast. J Gen Virol. 88, 1992-2002.

Meraner, P., Horejsi, V., Wolpl, A., Fischer, G.F., Stingl, G. and Maurer, D. (2007). Dendritic cells sensitize TCRs through self-MHC-mediated Src family kinase activation. J. Immunol. 178, 2262-71.

Mihola, O., Forejt, J. and Trachtulec, Z. (2007). Conserved alternative and antisense transcripts at the programmed cell death 2 locus. BMC Genomics 18, 8-20.

Nemeckova, S., Smahel, M., Hainz, P., Mackova, J., Zurkova, K., Gabriel, P., Indrova, M. and Kutinova, L. (2007). Combination of intratumoral injections of vaccinia virus MVA expressing GM-CSF and immunization with DNA vaccine prolongs the survival of mice bearing HPV16 induced tumors with downregulated expression of MHC class I molecules. Neoplasma 54, 326-33.

Neuzil, J., Stantic, M., Zobalova, R., Chladova, J., Wang, X., Prochazka, L., Dong, L., Andera, L. and Ralph SJ. (2007). Tumour-initiating cells vs. cancer 'stem' cells and CD133: what's in the name? Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 355, 855-9.

Nový, J., Böhm, S., Králová, J., Král V., and Urbanová M. (2007). Formation and temperature stability of G-quadruplex structures studied by electronic and vibrational dichroism spectroscopy combined with ab initio calculations. Biopolymers. 89, 144-152.

Oikonomou, E., Kothonidis, K., Zografos, G., Nasioulas, G., Andera, L., and Pintzas, A. (2007). Newly established tumourigenic primary human colon cancer cell lines are sensitive to TRAIL-induced apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. Br. J. Cancer 97, 73-84.

Pěknicová, J., Pexidrová, M., Kubátová, A., Koubek, P., Teplá, O., Sulimenko, T., and Dráber, P. (2007). Expression of beta-tubulin epitope in human sperm with pathological spermiogram. Fertility and  Sterility 88, 1120-28.

Prukova, D., Vernerova, Z., Pilcik, T., Stepanets, V., Indrova, M., Geryk, J., Plachy, J., Hejnar, J., Svoboda, J. (2007). Differences in pathogenicity among strains of the same or different avian leukosis virus subgroups. Avian Pathol. 36, 15-27.

Psahoulia, F. H., Drosopoulos, K. G., Doubravska, L., Andera, L., Pintzas, A. (2007). Quercetin enhances TRAIL-mediated apoptosis in colon cancer cells by inducing the accumulation of death receptors in lipid rafts. Mol. Cancer Ther. 6, 2591-9.

Reinis, M. (2007). Drug evaluation: FavId, a patient-specific idiotypic vaccine for non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Curr. Opin. Mol. Ther. 9, 291-8.

Reinis, M., Simova, J., Indrova, M., Bieblova, J., and Bubenik, J. (2007). CpG oligodeoxynucleotides are effective in therapy of minimal residual tumour disease after chemotherapy or surgery in a murine model of MHC class I-deficient, HPV16-associated tumours. Int. J. Oncol. 30, 1247-51.

Reinis, M., Simova, J., Indrova, M., Bieblova, J., Pribylova, H., Moravcova, S., Jandlova, T., and Bubenik, J. (2007). Immunization with MHC class I-negative but not -positive HPV16-associated tumour cells inhibits growth of MHC class I-negative tumours. Int. J. Oncol. 30, 1011-7.

Reinis, M., Weiser, B., Kuiken, C., Dong, T., Lang, D., Nachman, S., Zhang, Y., Rowland-Jones, S. and Burger, H. (2007). Genomic analysis of HIV type 1 strains derived from a mother and child pair of long-term nonprogressors. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 23, 309-15.

Sacha, P., Zamecnik, J., Barinka, C., Hlouchova, K., Vicha, A., Mlcochova, P., Hilgert, I., Eckschlager, T., and Konvalinka, J. (2007). Expression of glutamate carboxypeptidase II in human brain. Neurosci. 144, 1361-72.

Smida, M., Posevitz-Fejfar, A., Horejsi, V., Schraven, B., and Lindquist, J.A. (2007). A novel negative regulatory function of the phosphoprotein associated with glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomains: blocking Ras activation. Blood 110, 596-615.

Smrz, D., Draberova, L., and Draber, P. (2007). Non-apoptotic phosphatidylserine externalization induced by engagement of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 10487-97.

Sojka, L., Fučík, V., Krásný, L., Barvík, I., Jonák, J. (2007). YbxF – a protein associated with exponential phase ribosomes in Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 189, 4809-14.

Svoboda, P. (2007). Off-targeting and other non-specific effects of RNAi experiments in mammalian cells. Curr. Opin. Mol. Ther. 9, 248-57.

Tavandzi, U., Procházka, R., Usvald, D., Hlučilová, J., Vitásková, M., Motlík, J., Vítová, A., Filipec, M., Forrester, J. V. and Holáň V. (2007). A new model of corneal transplantation in the miniature pig. Efficacy of immunosuppressive treatment. Transplantation 83, 1401-1403.

Tessarz, A.S., Weiler, S., Zanzinger, K., Angelisova, P., Horejsi, V. and Cerwenka, A. (2007). Non-T cell activation linker (NTAL) negatively regulates TREM-1/DAP12-induced inflammatory cytokine production in myeloid cells. J. Immunol. 178, 1991-9.

Vlasakova, J., Novakova, Z., Rossmeislova, L., Kahle, M., Hozak, P. and Hodny, Z. (2007). Histone deacetylase inhibitors suppress IFNalpha-induced up-regulation of promyelocytic leukemia protein. Blood 109, 1373-80.

Wolfova, J., Mesters, J.R., Brynda, J., Grandori, R., Natalello, A., Carey, J. and Kuta Smatanova, I. (2007). Crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of Escherichia coli WrbA in complex with its cofactor flavin mononucleotide. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F-Struct. Biol. Cryst Commun. 63, 571-575.
