Název: Deposice epitaxních vrstev na/v porezních polovodičích A3B5
Poskytovatel: Grantová agentura ČR
Řešitel: Ing. Dušan Nohavica, CSc.
Člen: Doc. Petar Gladkov, Ph.D.; Mgr. Vladyslav Gorodynskyy, Ph.D.; Ing. Zdeněk Jarchovský; Běla Pilmanová; Ing. Jiří Zelinka; Ing. Karel Žďánský, CSc.
Od: 2006-01-01
Do: 2007-12-31

The development the epitaxial growth on /in porous substrates A3B5,(InP, GaAs and GaP) was investigated in the scope of nanotechnologies. Micro and nanopores layers could  improve the structural perfection of the highly mismatched heterojunction whenmode of the lateral overgrowth is realized. Three particular applications of the porous layers have been studied. At first lateral overgrowth method, secondly deposition of the heterojunction material  (ZnO) into the pores area and micro/nanopores layers for the active structure separation from the substrate in case of multiple deposition of the struucture on the same substrate. Electrochemical technology of the micro/nano pores production in A3B5 semiconductors has been a research subject in our laboratory for more than three years and epitaxial deposition of the A3B5 semiconductors from the vapor and liquid phase for optoelectronic devices has been investigated for nearly four decades