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Medals of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic awarded in the second half of 2004

The honorary medal "De Scientia et Humanitate Optime Meritis" for exceptionally meritorious contributions in the area of science and the promotion of humanitarian ideas

  • Eugen A. Cernan, NASA astronaut, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Prof. Dr. phil. Siegmar von Schnurbein, Römische-Germanische Kommission des DAI, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
The G. J. Mendel Honorary Medal for Merit in the Biological Sciences
  • Prof. Paula M. Pitha-Rowe, PhD, John Hopkins Medical University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
The J. E. Purkyně Honorary Medal for Merit in the Biological Sciences
  • Prof. Elizabeth U. Canning, Imperial College, London, Great Britain
The V. Náprstek Honorary Medal for Merit in Science Popularisation
  • Prof. RNDr. Ivo Volf, CSc., Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Králové
  • Doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Kluiber, CSc., Ekogymnázium, (Ecological High School), Prague


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