Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Mgr. Jana Vobecká
Junior researcher
Place of employment:
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
(+420) 210 310 581
Monographs and chapters in monographs
- VOBECKÁ, J. 2010. Spatial Dynamics of the Population in the Czech Republic, 1989-2007. Prague. PhD Thesis of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague and UMR INRA-AgroSup Dijon Université de Bourgogne in Dijon. Thesis directors: Ludmila Fialová and Bertrand Schmitt, p. 223.
- VOBECKÁ, J. 2009. „Demographic and socio-economic dynamics in Blatná, Český Krumlov and Velké Meziříčí as a factor of its development capacities in the last 20 years“. Pp. 13-23 in D. Čermák (ed.). Application of the principals of partnership and participation in the smal towns in the Czech Republic. Sociologické texty/Sociological Papers 09:6. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR. In Czech.
- VOBECKÁ, J. 2007. Population Development of Jews in Bohemia in 19th and First Third of 20th Century: Economic and Social Context. Prague: Josefa Hlávka's Institute of Public Economics, pp. 149. In Czech (first edition out of print; second edition contracted for publication in 2010 with Academia Publishers, Prague).
- KOSTELECKÝ, T., M. ILLNER, J. VOBECKÁ. 2007. „Metropolitan Governance in the Czech Republic“. Pp. 235-258 in J-P Collin, M. Robertson (eds.). Governing Metropolises: Profiles of Issues and Experiments on Four Continents. Quebec: Presses de l´Université Laval.
- VOBECKÁ, J., KOSTELECKÝ, T. (eds.) 2007. Politické důsledky suburbanizace. [Political consequences of suburbanisation.]. Sociologické studie/ Sociological studies 07:8. Prague: Sociological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. ISBN: 978-80-7330-129-3.
- VOBECKÁ, J. 2005. "Sociodemographic Characteristics of Regional Elites." In T. Kostelecký, J. Vobecká. Regional Elites 2004. Sociological Studies 05/03. Prague: Sociological Institute Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, p. 15-27. In Czech.
- VOBECKÁ, J. 2006. "One-Parent Families in the Czech Republic". In D. Hamplová, P. Šalamounová, G. Šamanová (eds.). Life Cycle. Sociological and Demographic Perspectives. Prague: Sociological Institute Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, p. 191-203. In Czech.
Articles published in peer-reviewed journals
- KOSTELECKÝ, T., VOBECKÁ, J. 2009. "Housing Affordability in Czech Regions and Demographic Behaviour – Does Housing Affordability Impact Fertility?" Czech Sociological Review/Sociologický časopis 45 (6): 1191-1213.
- VOBECKÁ, J. 2009. "Dojížďkový přístup k vymezení městského, příměstského a venkovského obyvatelstva v České republice [A Commuting Approach to the Definition of Urban, Suburban and Rural Population in the Czech Republic]." Demografie 50 (1): 14-23. ISSN: 0011-8265.
- VOBECKÁ, Jana. 2009. "Czech Rural Development Policies for Human Resources, post-2004: A Story of Muddled Definitions Preventing Strategic Visions?" Central European Journal of Public Policy, 3 (1): 44-64.
- KOSTELECKÝ, T., PATOČKOVÁ, V., VOBECKÁ, J. 2007b. "Kraje v České republice – existují souvislosti mezi ekonomickým rozvojem, sociálním kapitálem a výkonem krajských vlád? [Regions in the Czech Republic - Are There Connections between Economic Development, Social Capital and Government Performance?]" Sociologický časopis/ Czech Sociological Review 43 (5): 911-944. ISSN: 0038-0288.
- KOSTELECKÝ, T., ČERMÁK, D., VOBECKÁ, J. 2006. „Second Elections to Regional Councils – Continuity or Change?“ European Electoral Studies 1: 136-160. In Czech.
Other publications
- Vobecká, J. 2008. "Potenciálně problémové oblasti Prahy z hlediska struktury obyvatelstva." SOCIOweb 02 / 2008 (8.12.2008)
- Vobecká, J. 2004. „Zasedání slovenského Vidieckého parlamentu.“ Veřejná správa 48.
Papers presented at international conferences
- Vobecká, J. 2009. Devenir de la population de l´espace rural en République Tchèque. Konference Rural'Est- IERGZ, Varšava, Polsko, 5.-6.11. 2009.
- Vobecká, J., T. Kostelecký. 2008. Municipal finance and social-spatial inequalities in the Czech metropolitan areas. ECPR 2008 Joint Session of Workshops: Workshop “Metropolitan governance and social inequality.” Rennes, France, April 11-16 2008.
- Stachová, J., D. Čermák Daniel, J. Vobecká. 2008. Regional Differences in the Level of Institutional Trust in the Czech Republic. Countryside - Our World. Kutná Hora, Czech Republic, 16. – 18.4. 2008.
- Vobecká, J. 2008. Do We Witness Depopulation in Rural Areas in the Czech Republic? Regional Science Association Annual Internation Konference, Pratur, Czech Republic, 27-29.5.2008.
- Vobecká, J. 2008. Rural Areas in the Czech Republic: For Whom are They Atractive? EURORURAL, Brno, Czech Republic, 26-28.8. 2008.
- Vobecká, J. 2007. Rural Areas in the Czech Republic: human potential and tools for its development. European Sociological Association Conference, Glagow, 4.-6.9.2007.
- Vobecká, J. 2007. Countryside Population in the Czech Republic: Sociodemographic Characteristics. EUSOC, 4th International Doctoral Seminar in Social sciences, Telč, 17.-20.5.2007.
- Čermák, D., J. Vobecká, J. Stachová, 2006. Trust in Political Institutions and Its Regional Differencies. IGU (International Geographical Union) GAPP Conference „New tasks, approaches and spatial perspectives in public policy“, Bratislava, 18.-22.10. 2006.
- Vobecká, J. 2006. Population Development of the Jewish Population in Bohemia between the Years 1850 and 1939. European Population Conference 2006, Liverpool 21.-24.6. 2006.
- Vobecká, J., D. Čermák 2005. Sociodemografické charakteristiky a politické dráhy krajských elit v České republice. Interdisciplinary dimensions of regional development, Prešov, Slovensko, 5. – 7.9. 2005.
Papers presented at domestic conferences
Published reviews
- Vobecká, J. 2008. „Jiří Woitsch, František Bahenský (eds.): Etnografický atlas Čech, Moravy a Slezska V. Židovské obyvatelstvo v Čechách v letech 1792-1794.“ Lidé města 10, 2008, 1.
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