Ing. Jiřina Řezníčková, Ph.D.

Pracovní zařazení: 

+420 220 390 368
cermakovajaticpf [dot] cas [dot] cz

Rozvojová 135/1, 165 02 Praha-Lysolaje, Česká republika
Číslo místnosti: 
Pracovní skupina: 
Oddělení separačních procesů

Ing. Jiřina Čermáková Ph.D. finished her postgraduate thesis at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Prague Institute of Chemical Technology in 2004. The aim of postgradual work was the residence time distribution in mixed vessels. She has been working at the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals since December 2003. Heir she is interested namely in study of different gases adsorption on ceramic and polymeric membranes.


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