Seznam publikací

Molecular cytogenetic mapping as a tool to characterize genetic diversity and induced mutants in banana
Návrh na vytvoření přírodního parku Budeč
Normalized model system for the study of termite management
Novel platinum(II) and palladium(II) complexes with cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors: Synthesis, characterization and antitumour activity
Nuclear DNA content variation among central European Koeleria taxa
Occurrence of Two 5-Aminolevulinate Biosynthetic Pathways in Streptomyces nodosus subsp. asukaensis Is Linked with the Production of Asukamycin
Over-expression of SOB5 suggests the involvement of a novel plant protein in cytokinin-mediated development
Overexpression of Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase in Arabidopsis Mitochondria Triggers Light-dependent Lesion Formation and Alters Cytokinin Homeostasis
Oxidační poškození a antioxidační ochrana v listech transgenního tabáku se zvýšenou expresí cytokininoxidasy/dehydrogenasy během stárnutí
Papaya Ringspot Virus coat protein gene for antigen presentation in Escherichia coli
Photosynthesis and protective mechanisms during ageing in transgenic tobacco leaves with over-expressed cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase and thus lowered cytokinin content
Phytoremediation of explosives in toxic wastes
PIN proteins perform a rate-limiting function in cellular auxin efflux
PIN proteins perform a rate-limiting function in cellular auxin efflux
Ploidy and genome composition of Musa germplasm at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Pollen development, a genetic and transcriptomic view
Preparation and biological activity of 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives in plants and human cancer cells
PRINS on plant chromosomes
Probing cytokinin homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana by constitutively overexpressing two forms of the maize cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 1 gene
Production of Polyclonal Antiobies to a Recombinant Potato Mop-top Virus Non-structural Triple Gene Block Protein l
Progress in understanding the sources, deposition and above-ground fate of trichloroacetic acid
Protective cytokinin action switches to damaging during senescence of detached wheat leaves in continuous light
Quantification of cDNA generated by reverse transcription of total RNA provides a simple alternative tool for quantitative RT-PCR normalization
Radioisotopes in environmental research: recent achievments and possibilities in the studies of the role of chlorine in forest ecosystems
Regenerative Capacity of Cacti Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis in Relation to Endogenous Phytohormones, Cytokinin Oxidase/Dehydrogenase, and Peroxidase Activities
RNAi Depletion of Gamma -Tubulin as a Tool for Studying Gamma -Tubulin Role in Organization of Acentrosomal Cells
Role of phytohormones in organogenic ability of elm multiplicated shoots.
Shoot growth processes, assessed by bud development types, reflect Norway spruce vitality and sink prioritization
Silenka obecná z kraje pod Budčí