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Website on the collapse of Czechoslovak communism

To mark the twentieth anniversary of November 17, 1989, a new website was opened at Through the title, (1989 Democratic Revolution), we hoped to articulate the idea of the last weeks of 1989 as viewed by major collective perceptions, values, and expressions. This website intends to provide both professional and amateur researchers with basic information, images, and interpretations, offering easier access to material previously edited and published, to the archives of the Institute for Contemporary history, and last but not least, to material the use of which was permitted by other institutions and individuals. We intend to supply more documents and images dating from January 1987 to June 1990.

Publications / Edited recently

Byl to jenom rock´n ´roll? Hudební alternativa v komunistickém Československu 1956–1989
Soudobé dějiny 1–2/2010
Opozice a společnost po roce 1948
„Podzemní univerzita“ pražských bohemistů. Ukázka paralelní kultury v „normalizovaném“ Československu


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu

Current events in picture

Dne 26. května 2010 se v pražském Goethe-Institutu konala prezentace paralelních čísel časopisů Soudobé dějiny a Bohemia na téma „Existoval v českých dějinách totalitarismus?“
