Spin transitions of Co3+ - selected publications
- K. Knížek, J. Hejtmánek, Z. Jirák, P. Tomeš, P. Henry, G. André,
Neutron diffraction and heat capacity studies of PrCoO3 and NdCoO3,
Phys. Rev. B 79, 134103 (2009).
- K. Knížek, Z. Jirák, J. Hejtmánek, P. Novák, Wei Ku,
GGA+U calculations of correlated spin excitations in LaCoO3,
Phys. Rev. B 79, 014430 (2009).
- J. Hejtmánek, Z. Jirák, K. Knížek, M. Maryško, M. Veverka, C. Autret,
Valence and spin states in perovskites LaCo0.95M0.05O3 (M = Mg, Ga, Ti),
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 320, e92 (2008).
- Z. Jirák, J. Hejtmánek, K. Knížek, M. Veverka,
Electrical resistivity and thermopower measurements of the hole- and electron-doped cobaltites LnCoO3,
Phys. Rev. B 78, 014432 (2008).
- K. Knížek, Z. Jirák, J. Hejtmánek, P. Henry, G. André,
Structural anomalies, spin transitions and charge disproportionation in LnCoO3,
J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07B703 (2008).
- K. Knížek, Z. Jirák, J. Hejtmánek, M. Veverka, M. Maryško, B. C. Hauback, H. Fjellvåg,
Structure and physical properties of YCoO3 at temperatures up to 1000 K,
Phys. Rev. B 73, 214443 (2006).
- K. Knížek, Z. Jirák, J. Hejtmánek, P. Novák,
Character of the excited state of Co3+ ion in LaCoO3,
J.Phys.-Condens. Matter. 18, 3285 (2006).
- K. Knížek, Z. Jirák, J. Hejtmánek, M. Veverka, M. Maryško, G. Maris, T. T. M. Palstra,
Structural anomalies associated with the electronic and spin transitions in LnCoO3,
Eur. Phys. J. B 47, 213 (2005).
The fits of thermal expansion and the three contributions αlatt (...),
αmag (___) and αIM (---) [4].