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ASCR > Inst. Vertebrate Biology > Dept. Fish Ecology > People > Reichard > Publications |
PUBLICATIONS IN PEER REVIEWED INTERNATIONAL JOURNALSTo download the electronic versions of publications (PDFs), you must agree to the following term:
(49) Bryja, J. - Smith, C. - Konečný, A. - Reichard, M. (accepted) Range-wide population genetic structure of the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus) based on microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analysis. Molecular Ecology. (48) Polačik, M. - Reichard, M. (2010) Diet overlap among three sympatric African annual killifish species (Nothobranchius spp.) from Mozambique. Journal of Fish Biology, 77, 754-768. [PDF] (47) Casalini M. - Reichard, M. - Smith, C. (2010) The effect of crowding and density on male mating tactics in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus). Behaviour, 147, 1035-1050. [PDF] (46) Reichard, M. - Polačik - M., Tarkan, A.S. - Spence, R. - Gaygusuz, O. - Ercan, E. - Ondračková, M. - Smith, C. (2010) The bitterling mussel coevolutionary relationship in areas of recent and ancient sympatry. Evolution, in press, doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2010.01032.x [PDF] (45) Konečná, M. - Smith, C. - Reichard, M. (2010) Population and individual consequences of breeding resource availability in the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64, 1069-1079. [PDF] (44) Reichard, M. - Polačik, M. (2010) Reproductive isolating barriers between colour-differentiated populations of an African annual killifish, Nothobranchius korthausae (Cyprinodontiformes). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 100, 62-72. [PDF] (43) Agbali, M. - Reichard, M. - Bryjová, A. - Bryja, J. - Smith, C. (2010) Mate choice for non-additive genetic benefits correlate with MHC dissimilarity in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus). Evolution, 64, 1683-1696. [PDF] (42) Reichard, M. (2010) Nothobranchius kadleci (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae), a new species of annual killifish from central Mozambique. Zootaxa, 2332, 49-60. [PDF]
(41) Polačik, M. - Reichard, M. (2009) Indirect fitness benefits are not related to male dominance in a killifish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63, 1427-1435. [PDF] (40) Konečná, M. - Jurajda, P. - Reichard, M. (2009) River discharge drives recruitment success of the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus) in a regulated river in Central Europe. Journal of Fish Biology, 74, 1642-1650. [PDF] (39) Reichard, M. - Ondračková, M. - Bryjová, A. - Bryja, J. - Smith, C. (2009) Breeding resource distribution affects selection gradients on male phenotypic traits via sexual selection: experimental study on lifetime reproductive success in the bitterling fish (Rhodeus amarus). Evolution, 63, 377-390. [PDF] (38) Reichard, M. - Polačik, M. - Sedláček, O. (2009) Distribution, colour polymorphism and habitat use of the African killifish, Nothobranchius furzeri, the vertebrate with the shortest lifespan. Journal of Fish Biology, 74, 198-212. [PDF] (37) Smith, C. - Pateman-Jones, C. - Zieba, G. - Przybylski, M. - Reichard, M. (2009) Sperm depletion as a consequence of increased sperm competition risk in the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus). Animal Behaviour, 77, 1227-1233. [PDF] (36) Casalini, M. - Agbali, M. - Reichard, M. - Konečná, M. - Bryjová, A. - Smith, C. (2009) Male dominance, female mate choice and intersexual conflict in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus). Evolution, 63, 366-376. [PDF]
(35) Zaki, S. A. H. - Jordan, W. C. - Reichard, M. - Przybylski, M. - Smith, C. (2008) A morphological and genetic analysis of the European bitterling species complex. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 95, 337-347. [PDF] (34) Reichard, M. (2008) Microhabitat use by fishes in the middle course of the River Gambia in the Niokolo Koba National Park, Senegal: a unique example of an undisturbed West African assemblage. Journal of Fish Biology, 72, 1815-1824. [PDF] (33) Jurajda, P. - Peňáz, M. - Reichard, M. - Bernardová, I. (2008) Water quality improvements following political changes, enhanced fish communities, and fisheries in the Czech Republic. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 49, 845-850. (32) Reichard, M. - Smith, C. - Bryja, J. (2008) Seasonal change in the opportunity for sexual selection. Molecular Ecology, 17, 642-651. [PDF]
(31) Przybylski, M. - Reichard, M. - Spence, R. - Smith, C. (2007) Spatial distribution of oviposition sites determines variance the reproductive rate of European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus). Behaviour, 144, 1403-1417. [PDF] (30) Reichard, M. - Le Comber, S.C. - Smith, C. (2007) Sneaking from a female perspective. Animal Behaviour, 74, 679-688. [PDF] (29) Smith C. - Zhu, Y. - Liu, H. - Reichard, M. (2007) Deceptive female oviposition behaviour elicits male ejaculatory behaviour in the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus). Journal of Fish Biology, 71, 1841-1846. [PDF] (28) Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. (2007) Seasonal dynamics and age structure of drifting cyprinid fishes: an interspecific comparison. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 16, 482-492. [PDF] (27) Reichard, M. - Liu, H. - Smith, C. (2007) The coevolutionary relationship between bitterling fishes and freshwater mussels: insights from interspecific comparisons. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 9, 239-259. [PDF]. (26) Reichard, M. - Przybylski, M. - Kaniewska, P. - Liu, H. - Smith, C. (2007) A possible evolutionary lag in the relationship between freshwater mussels and European bitterling. Journal of Fish Biology, 70, 709-725. [PDF]
(25) Smith, C. - Reichard, M. - Douglas, A. - Jurajda, P. (2006) Population consequences of behaviour in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus Cyprinidae). Ecology of Freshwater Fishes, 15, 137-145. [PDF] (24) Jurajda, P. - Reichard, M. - Smith, C. (2006) Immediate impact of an extensive summer flood on the adult fish assemblage of a channelized lowland river. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 21, 493-501. [PDF] (23) Spence, R. - Runa, K.F. - Reichard, M. - Huq, K.A. - Wahab, M.A. - Ahmed, Z.F. - Smith, C. (2006) The distribution and habitat preferences of the zebrafish in Bangladesh. Journal of Fish Biology, 69, 1435-1448. [PDF] (22) Liu, H. - Zhu, Y. - Smith, C. - Reichard, M. (2006) Evidence of host specificity and congruence between phylogenies of bitterlings and freshwater mussels. Zoological Studies, 45, 428-434. [PDF] (21) Reichard, M. - Ondračková, M. - Przybylski, M.- Liu, H. - Smith, C. (2006) The costs and benefits in an unusual symbiosis: experimental evidence that bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus) are parasites of unionid mussels in Europe. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19, 788-796. [PDF]
(20) Smith, C. - Reichard, M. (2005) Females solicit sneakers to improve fertilisation success in the bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus). Proceedings of the Royal Society London, Series B, 272, 1683-1688. [PDF] (19) Reichard, M. - Bryja, J. - Ondračková, M. - Dávidová, M. - Kaniewska, P. - Smith, C. (2005) Sexual selection for male dominance reduces opportunities for female mate choice in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). Molecular Ecology, 14, 1533-1542. [PDF]
(18) Reichard, M. - Smith, C. - Jordan, W.C. (2004) Genetic evidence reveals density-dependent mediated success of alternative mating behaviours in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). Molecular Ecology, 13, 1569-1578. [PDF] (17) Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. - Smith, C. (2004) Male-male interference competition decreases spawning rate in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 56, 34-41. [PDF] (16) Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. - Smith, C. (2004) Spatial distribution of drifting cyprinid fishes in a shallow lowland river. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 159, 395-407. [PDF] (15) Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. (2004) The effects of elevated river discharge on the downstream drift of young-of-the-year cyprinid fishes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 19, 465-471. [email for a reprint] (14) Smith, C. - Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. - Przybylski, M. (2004) The reproductive ecology of the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). Journal of Zoology, 262, 107-124. [PDF] (13) Jurajda, P. - Ondračková, M. - Reichard, M. (2004). Managed flooding as a tool for supporting natural fish reproduction in man-made lentic watebodies. Fisheries Management & Ecology, 11, 237-242. [PDF] (12) Ondračková, M. - Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. - Gelnar, M. (2004) Seasonal dynamics of Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Digenea, Diplostomatidae) metacercariae and parasite-enhanced growth of juvenile host fish. Parasitology Research, 93, 131-136. [PDF] (11) Dávidová, M. - Ondračková, M. - Baruš, V. - Reichard, M. - Koubková, B. (2004) Nematode infections of the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus: Cypriniformes). Helminthologia, 42, 45-48.
(10) Smith, C. - Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. (2003). Assessment of sperm competition by the bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 53, 206-213. [PDF]
(9) Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. - Ondračková, M. (2002). The effect of light intensity of the drift of young-of-the-year cyprinid fishes. Journal of Fish Biology, 61, 1063-1066. [PDF] (8) Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. - Šimková, A. - Matějusová, I. (2002). Size-related habitat use of bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus) in a regulated lowland river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 11, 112-122. [PDF] (7) Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. - Ondračková, M. (2002). Interannual variability in seasonal dynamics and species composition of drifting young-of-the-year fishes in two European lowland rivers. Journal of Fish Biology, 60, 87-101. [PDF] (6) Bartošová, Š. - Jurajda, P. - Ondračková, M. - Reichard, M. (2002). Importance of lentic waterbodies as fish nurseries in the flood plain of the Dyje River. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 1, 347-353. [email for a reprint]
(5) Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. - Václavík, R. (2001). Drift of larval and juvenile fishes: a comparison between small and large lowland rivers. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement 135, 373-389. [email for a reprint] (4) Jurajda, P. - Reichard, M. - Hohausová, E. - Černý, J. (2001). Comparison of 0+ fish communities between two differently modified stretches of the River Morava. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement 135, 187-202. [email for a reprint]
(3) Reichard, M. - Jurajda, P. (1999). Patterns of ontogenetic changes in relative growth in the precocial cyprinid, bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 49, 111-123. [email for a reprint] (2) Reichard, M. (1998). A morphological comparison of riverine and oxbow bitterling populations with respect to allometric growth. Folia Zoologica, 47, 65-72. [email for a reprint] (1) Jurajda, P. - Reichard, M. - Hohausová, E. (1997). A survey of inshore 0+ juvenile fish community in the Nové Mlýny lowland reservoir, Czech Republic. Folia Zoologica, 46, 279-284. [email for a reprint]